Of Dust & Men (Day 3)

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Race Dog
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Honda XL650V Transalp
Day 3

Luckily, we did not do anything silly with the alcohol consumption the previous night. I think that we all realised that as a group we were on the brink of a spectacular adventure and we did not want to ruin it already on the first day. So, a not-so-early rise; we did not plan to ride many k?s for the day and the terrain was going to be easy.


Packing up:



Ze German posing against an artistic background, pity about the ?foreground?, and I?m not referring to the bike ? it truly is an awesome machine. Notice the luggage system on the bike; at the end of the trip it was accepted that it is not the system for heavier off-road use. We all were to learn much from this trip.

Before we took the road to Baviaanskloof, we first took a ride up a hill where a restored British fort overlooks Uniondale:




Pity the buggers that tried to storm this fort!

And then it was time to hit the road, yep, it officially started. About 14 k?s outside of Uniondale we got to the turnoff to Baviaanskloof. If all was going to go according to plan, it would have been a couple of days before we rode on tar again. Well, to say the least, it did not all go according to plan.
The turnoff to FUN:



Stopping for a break, and to check out the monster gps on Ze German bike ? a good investment for these trips (recalling our last tour ? ouch!).




A sign welcoming us into Baviaanskloof ? the excitement mounted:


?Dangerous mountain passes ahead?. Yep, this was going to be fun. Heinie, together with another friend of us and me did the kloof last year in a 4x4. As far as I could recall, we were in for a treat on a few sections of the road. Chris also mentioned prior to the trip that he had a chat with a guy who rode the kloof a few months back regarding the road condition ? according to the guy at some places they had to get off their bikes and help fellow riders through?


Can you spot the TA? If you stare at the centre of the photo, relax your eyes, exhale slowly?


KiLeRSA coming round a corner. He and Chris had a constant friendly tiff around the klr and provided some merry distractions for non-teccies like Venter and myself. I had a very brief ride on the klr, what a strange bike! But it is a bike that suits Heinie like a glove, and you must see him ride it to appreciate their uncanny relationship.


Interesting rock formations were becoming the order of the day? and the trip in general:


In Uniondale the restaurant opened only at 9, we therefore decided to buy some proviand at the local store and slap together a unique breakfast ? mine consisted of baked beans on a slice of dry bread.


Ze German Leader wanted a bit of oomph in his coffee!


How not to wear your buff?looking ?non-jewish?.


After a hearty breakfast it was time to hit the road again and be flabbergasted by the natural surrounds.


Venter looking ever so casual?a trademark of his style of riding!


Giving the usual peace sign?drifting slightly to the left so that Venter can capture the sign as well?


And nearly buggering off the road - OOPS!


Ze German Leader specializes in buying damaged vehicles from insurance co?s, repairing them where required and selling them?mmm?



More strangely hypnotising rock formations?


It was soon time for the first water crossing. I had no idea what to expect, apart from what I?ve read on water crossings, and, oh yes, I recalled droffarc?s mishap? Here goes Venter:


The TA:


And Chris had to show off!



To ?borrow? Heinie?s comment re this photo: ?One sure way to add an extra 2 hp to the klr?!


Some of the areas where you cross the river (here more of a stream) have a sturdy concrete base as it can get tough during the winter rainy season; others crossings however? but that was for the following day.


We were fast approaching the turnoff to the camping site. The last stretch was pretty straight with some mounds to keep the stomach fluctuating.


Setting up camp for the night. We made arrangements with the hospitable owners of the site to bring us a few beers, they were late and we were getting a bit restless. It was the ideal setting for having a few beers, and we had some time to kill. While waiting in angst, we all had a bit of a snooze, well, at least I tried to, but Heinie started snoring during the MIDDLE OF THE DAY at such a loud level that I could not get some zzzz?s in! From here on, he was banned from sleeping in my vicinity!


Trying to find some peace ? my body was yearning for a cold one.


At last! The team posing for a photo, beer in hand?aaah; Life IS Good!.


And so we carried on into the night?Tomorrow would be the most testing day of the whole trip?but we did not know the extent of it yet.


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