ABS brake bleed

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Race Dog
Jun 15, 2011
Reaction score
Abu Dhabi
I have asked assistance before with regard to this, and I have the PDF on how to do it with the "special tool" and all...but now I actually HAVE to do it.

Going on a country trax intro to DS course this Saturday, and will need to use my rear brake that is close to useless currently.

Also, those of you with ABS - does your servo motor moan the whole time like mine does? Just touch the brake lever and it goes: "nnnnnnmmmmmmmwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmwwwwwwheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

I take it that it's possibly because there a lot of air in the system

Now first of all, I don't have a special tool. Second of all, I don't have those wooden block you replace the brakepads with...

Giepie told me that he's done it before - not the way explained in that PDF

All he did was to first bleed the ABS pump and then the callipers. He simply inserted a 6mm pipe in the pump resevoir and bled the brakes - the brake fluid I take it was sucked up through the pipe.

Ok...so...is there ANYONE that has done this himself, and can explain to me in man speak what the hell to do!

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