Lesotho, the hard way.(Complete)

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Race Dog
Mar 20, 2008
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Yes we wanted to stay off the well beaten paths and go and explore areas where the local kids run away scared because they do not know what to make of a white man and his noisy, awkward two wheel machine.

We found what we were looking for and then some more. What a spectacular country and what a spectacular nation. Everywhere we went we were greeted by friendliness and concern and a helping hand when needed, and although along the main routes there is always expectance of some sort of reward, the people from more remote villages were only to glad to help, asking nothing in return.

.... for now I must first run for the loo..., as Lesotho rewarded my efforts with the dreaded runs. Fever, headaches, joint pains and a lethargic body, you name it and I've had it for the last three days. And so did the other two.


One year ago Michiel and a friend, John, did an epic trip through Lesotho. At some point they both found themselves out of their element but there was no stopping Michiels unquenching need for adventure. John on the other hand was not having such a great time and at a particularly difficult section crossing through the Senqu river he freaked out and threatened to break Michiels camera and declared their friendship over if they did not turn around.
A group of 4x4 riders that managed to get through the river assured them that the road on the opposite side is very steep and slippery and that they did not think they will make it on motorbikes.
Michiel had to accept defeat. RR of this trip is here: https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=32388.0

At the start of planning a revisit of Lesotho and to take care of some unfinished business by Michiel, there were four of us, Michiel, Stefan (Sack), Mike (Airhead) and myself, Altus (Dustdevil).
Michiel made it clear as to what to expect and the general consensus was that we will need to tackle some really tough 4x4 routes in order for us to get familiarized with the group dynamics but most importantly to develop our riding skills to be able to cope with some of the most inhospitable riding conditions imaginable. We visited the Helderberg 4x4 route as well as routes in the Elands valley and Hex river and also the infamous Matroosberg 4x4 route. Here we learned to drop bikes, pick them back up and to get them going again on the steep, slippery slopes. We figured out what is the best tire pressures and that rim locks is most essential if you want to run at pressures giving any form of traction.

At the start of the trip in December there were only three of us, Mike (Airhead) was still busy building his dream HPN waiting for backorder parts from Germany and could not join us anymore. Read about it here: https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=41149.0
Nice one DD , can't wait for the rest  :thumleft:

Ps glad you are all back in one piece  ;)
this looks really cool

a mate of mine did the same in '92  and they were in lesotho for 10 days just following the donkey trails,

can't wait for the rest DD!
Kom, kom waars julle geduld? Michiel is nog nie eens terug in die Kaap nie, en ek het meer as 50GB video en fotos op my hardeskyf om deur te werk, maar ek belowe dat dit elke oomblik se wag die moeite werd sal wees.
Ons het van die mees onherbergsame terien aangepak en alhoewel ons eenmaal moes omdraai omdat die pad nie meer gangbaar was nie het ons ander male deurgekom tenspyte van paaie wat lankal in onbruik gelaat is.
Kom, kom waars julle geduld? Michiel is nog nie eens terug in die Kaap nie, en ek het meer as 50GB video en fotos op my hardeskyf om deur te werk, maar ek belowe dat dit elke oomblik se wag die moeite werd sal wees.

Veskonigs verskonings...  :pot:

Ons wag geduldig! :bounce:
Goed, ek is ook nou terug in die Kaap. Die siekte wat Altus van praat is blykbaar e-coli of so iets,
op die alfabet net onder e-bola en omtrent net so erg. Ons wou die dood haal! Ek was gelukkig op die
plaas in Ouma Kosie se sorg toe die eerste simptome begin het. Myself in 'n koma in ge-skittery!

Ouma het my dadelik op 'n dieet van bitter druppels, kookwater en suurlemoensap gesit. Was nie lank toe
is al wat in my derms oor is net bitter druppels... drup, drup, spuit!

Altus (Dustdevil) het in sy inleiding die storie baie mooi opgesom, na hy my dokumenter gesien het wou
Stefan (Sack) graag Lesotho besoek en het my daarna gevra, ek wou terug gaan Lesotho toe om onklaar
dinge te gaan klaar maak en Altus het ons sentimente gedeel. 'n Groot deel van die fokus van die besoek was
gewees om video materiaal te versamel sodoende 'n dokumenter te kan maak wat iets spesiaals van Lesotho
na die kyker sal bring. Op hierdie forum sal ons dus baie fotos en video brokkies deel, maar ongelukkig, vir die
eintlikke spesiale kykgenot sal julle geduldig of ongeduldig moet wag tot die sowat 10ure van video materiaal
gesny is tot +-1uur.
Ons sal wag!  :pot:  Maar volgende keer is n ander storie!!!  :deal:
Alhoewel ons Lesotho been van die reis eers na Kersfees sou begin het ek en Michiel besluit om saam uit die Kaap weg te spring na ons onderskeie families vir die Kerstyd. Die idee was om grondpad langs te hou tot by Orania waar ek baie graag wou gaan rond loer.

Saterdag 19 Desember kry ek dan vir Michiel dou voor dag by my werkswinkel, omtrend so net na vier. Die dag belowe om nog lank te word en ek moes maar met n driekwartuur se slaap vrede maak nadat ek die olie "sump plug" se draad belemer het toe ek die vorige aand wou olie ruil. Dit kos my die hele "sump" verwyder en een van n ander motor "leen" om weer aan die gang te kom, die hele nag se gesukkel.

Hierdie is dan ook so ver as wat ek met die Afrikaans kan uithou, my "spell checker" laat my komper skerm soos bloedrivier lyk aangesien alles nou vir hom vreemd lyk.

Just to ensure that we will make this a 25 hour day Miciel invited a friend and a complete dirt noob, Alian along. He would join us up to Sutherland and then find his own way back the following day.
We were going at half pace all the time and at every stop to check if Alian is still ok he would arrive white in the face from what he would refer to as the last close shave. Obviously he has not yet got used to the fact that the bike tend to feel a bit loose on dirt.

We finally made it to Sutherland by 2pm and got both bikes and bellies fueled before gladly saying goodbye to Alian. Now we can start making up some time. I did not get far before my battery started fading on me and at Frazerburg we had to lay down on someone's stoep to get recharged again. A 30min powernap and I was ready for the next leg of the trip. At this point a fellow WD pulled up on his way from Gauteng. Miepels I hope you had a good time in Cape Town!!!

Loxton was our next refueling station but to our surprise there is no petrol station here and being after 12 on a Saturday meant that the Co-op was closed.

PS. Is die ou se naam Alian? (Jy bedoel nie dalk Alain nie?)