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    • dual
      dual replied to the thread Photo of the day.
      Brydes walvisse vandag van Gearingspunt, Hermanus
    • dual
      dual replied to the thread Photo of the day.
      Met die drone vandag hier
    • dual
      dual replied to the thread Photo of the day.
      Die maan hier by ons vanaand
    • dual
      dual replied to the thread McGregor.
      Hermanus vir Julie 180 mm totaal sovêr
    • dual
      dual reacted to 2StrokeDan's post in the thread McGregor with Like Like.
      Baie mooi foto's, ons het baie reën gehad hier in Stellenbosch ook, maar nie erge skade.
    • dual
      dual reacted to 250X's post in the thread McGregor with Like Like.
      Beautiful pictures.
    • dual
      dual replied to the thread McGregor.
      Steenboksvlakte pad, na Stormsvlei Hemel en Aarde pad naby Hermanus, steeds stormskade en lang pad voor herstel
    • dual
      dual posted the thread McGregor in Ride Reports.
      Gister die familie met die voertuig uitgevat Die paaie is te nat vir motorfiets, vir my Ons Nasionale voëls by Swartrivierpad afdraai...
    • dual
      dual reacted to EssBee's post in the thread Where has your bike taken you today? with Like Like.
      I decided 'tomorrow...gaan ek baaikry!' pretty much as I went to bed last night. Got up, fed the dogs, made tea for the SO, and off I...
    • dual
      Nat en koud in Hermanus, steeds lekker daar buite Rotary way en nuwe hawe toe
    • dual
      dual reacted to Aquatechnique's post in the thread bike batteries with Like Like.
      If you don’t use ABS it’ll be ok. If you use ABS, later down the line you’ll find it doesn’t kick in when you start. I would start my...
    • dual
      dual replied to the thread bike batteries.
      Wag nog steeds vir kwotasie en toe maar vanoggend besluit om local bikeshop te ondersteun Volgens sy chart is dit die regte battery vir...
    • dual
      dual replied to the thread Photo of the day.
      Hermanus omgewing vandag, bitter baie water
    • dual
      dual replied to the thread Birds of South Africa.
      Vandag op die Karwyderskraal / Swartrivier paaie
    • dual
      dual replied to the thread Spot the Bar.
      Te maklik
      • 1720196535642.png
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