Secret Society Baviaans Mini bash - Ride Report

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Race Dog
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
In the beginning there was thirst
This whole thing started with TrailRider asking where he could have drinks in Patensie. The mini bash ride thread should really start here : If read it you will quickly see how plan was formed a site booked and more dogs joined. We ended up 10 dogs at the camp.7 Dogs came with TrailRider from George side through the Baviaans. The PE dogs came via some backroads from the PE side to Patensie. I will leave it up to the George guys to post their ride stories.

The idea was for some PE dogs to meet some WC dogs and ride together some. And boy was it funny and fun. But I get ahead of myself. First Watty, Kampies, TerrorSA and me  set out for some exploration on our way to Geelkrans in Patensie.
All 4 PE dogs still together.

You can just see the ocean from the tops of the mountains.


Three of us Slowpokes bike on the left, TerrorSA and Kampies on the right, enjoying the beutifull views

An then I rode ahead to get some action pics. I waited and waited... I took the wrong turn and the other dogs were waiting and waiting elsewhere for me.

So I took a snappy of my machine

The roads in this area are numerous and unmarked

Luckily we did arrange to meet at Padstal and so the group was whole again for some ice cold frosties. The first two took all of four swallows to down and then the third one was pure pleasure.

and so it was off to the campsite. Just to show how chuffed the guys were - look at Smidtys smile, he must have something really good in that little blue bag to make him smile so...

of course we won't mention names but some guys just had to go...

The scene of the crime. This fire place was a raucous affair onSaturday evening and also some of Sunday morning too. This is the morning after coffee fire going.

With only a few hours sleep and many more litres of beer, the troops were slow to rise but we did have a packed up camp at 8:05am. Here are some the troops still fighting the urge to not get out of bed - hulle het lekker gele en poep ruik.

The bottom part of the camp where the main snorers lay

The grassy plains where the groot uitclutch started the day before

And of course the swemgat. Nee Kassie, daar is krappe in die water EN palings

The journey to Grootrivier poort started. Here are some riders arriving at the mast

Help me out here guys - this could be Smidty ?


Some guys I cannot for the life of me remember who's who




Dusty - I think..

Everyone at the top of the hill

The 800 was heavilly loaded so I had to keep my speeds to less than 140. It felt a little loose over that. Not complaining though. I did get some airtime on the whoops.

Me and my machine

Some action shots


Kampies was also quite loaded. We did not have a Kassie to drive our gear home.

We finally got to Steytlerville and ate lunch at the Royal Hotel. It was a green affair. It was HOT. The onboard said well over 40 on the road.

The group eating. We were all already dog tired here.

We left Steytlerville just past 1pm. The group split, and we had our farewells.

I started getting drowsy on the way home so we pulled off for a little rest. Here, halwayf home the temperature recorded 40.5 degrees C. The hot air almost felt like burning you.

To all the guys and Dusty gal that joined in. Thanks a stack for a splendid weekend. We had some tough riding, some fast riding and all of it was scenic riding. I'm glad to have met you all and hey, if you want to do this again - I'm there like a bear. I suppose what happens at camp stays at camp but my stomach still feels moeg after all that laughing. Kassie, if you ever come along again I'll sponsor your stay  :imaposer: This was certainly the best Geobraai yet!
LEKKERRRRRR :thumleft:
What happened to Drazil  ???
What time where you at Padlangs?
Wanted to meet you all - Klippies and I were there at about 16h30 and it was closed.
Did you come right with the booze?

Glad you had a great time - maybe next time we'll meet up  ;D
Hey you lot know how to make a man jealous !  :deal: Looked like moerse fun ! Glad everyone made it safe !  :thumleft:
Dis Georgian is home safe, pics to follow  ;)

Thanks to everyone i met the weekend and the people i rode with, FANTASTIC WEEKEND  :thumleft:

Now i really know how to ride an X-Challenge.
TR and myself made it home safe.

A big thanks to everybody, it was an awesome weekend.
Dit was die lekkerste kuier die Jaar van 2010.  Beter as my nuwe jaars party in Pretoria....Dankie SlowPoke, Grysalp, Trailrider,Dusy (Rene) oom andre, Andre Smithy Kampie en Smidthey en nou draai my kop want ek kan nie al die name onthou nie. Die oom met die groen hemp wat my gewys het gister hoe baviaanskloof lyk toe ons met trailrider ook gekry het daarso. dankie aan oom ook
Hey Cassie,  watse oom is dit met jou!  Bly jy kon die kort entjie langs die Grootrivier geniet  - ons het  nie eers deur Poortjies gery nie, wat nog van die eerste pas.  Jy moet regtig binnekort die hele kloof kom ontdek.
Thnx almal vir 'n moerse trippie. SlowPoke vir die organizing en Cassie vir die log. Bly almal safe & sound. Wanneer kan ons weer Grootrivier ry, maar dit moet warm wees nie so koel soos vandag nie, Smidthey. Beers up guys & gal.
Definitief Watty.  Ek wil graag sien hoe lyk die Baviaans Koof natuur reservaat.  Dis jammer ek het so laat daar angekom want die tyd het ingehaal.  Ek wil dit nie alleen waag daarso binne nie as 'n mens 'n pap band kry is daarso altyd iemand wat backup is en wat weet van jou..  Dis die mooiste area wat ek in 'n lang tyd gesien het.  Ek ry altyd verby Humans dorp oppad PE toe en het nooit geweet watter mooi area ek altyd mis ry nie.  Watty maar jy het 'n moerse kuier gemis gister aand. 
Thanks to all the WD that made this an awesome weekend.
No money can buy entertainment like that.

Lets make the next one closer to George  :thumleft:
Thanks SP for the organizing and everyone else for moerse fun, riding, senic, laughing, karkpraating weekend. I wonder how many soapies was watched on the way back. :eek: Dusty and myself also got home in good nick. Thanks again.  :eek:ccasion14: