Sad Sani Story

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Ja nee hy is baie sad moes dit 2 keer post om te se hoe sad.... :biggrin:

Double tragedy  :imaposer:
Hi Rooiduin.

With a mere 9 posts, you have become a legend. Congratulations on a shrewd and consistent marketing campaign. Your post to response ratio is stratospheric and indicates that you must be a natural. In fact, your sequel caught the dogs unawares and has upped the ante to a new level.  May I take the liberty of suggesting a third in the series. Astounding insight into the thought patterns of wild dogs, keep up the good work, you have us salivating at the prospect.

PS. Welcome to the forum.  Now that everyone knows you, feel free to join in with the kakpraat. ;)
Laat my dink aan die advertensie  van die hond wat op die vloer le en slaap terwyl hy karre jaag in sy droom