I had a horrible nights sleep in Windorah. I pitched my tent close to a Karen, with a mouth full of F bombs.
So I snore, no I roar. It is something I do not deny and I usually warn people or I sleep further away from people.
This lady started swearing in the middle of the night at every sound in the parking area. She would then start her Mitsubishi Husky van and rev it for 10 second, turn around and continue to drop F bombs as se went back to her caravan. I felt bad at first, but then realised she was swearing at the bloke a couple of sites down the road snoring and not me. At 4 she stood next to my tent swearing again. Now she was camping about 10 meters from me in a caravan, I think she had some kopluis. I woke up like a South African thinking he is in a farm attack. My Afrikaans swear words flew at her with linguistic precision. I felt bad, I didn't want to disturb her, but she was a real mean old lady, I think she scares crows at the local vegetable patch for a living.
I got to the servo at 07:00 and left dodge.
Almost got killed by a Volstruis light again for the 20th time on the trip.
Passed thru this little gem of a town after 600km on the road for the day.
I rolled into Cinchilla as it got dark another big day 924km. Remember this is at 100-110km/h so it takes a while to cover distance.
I I booked into the local show grounds, I was too lazy to pitch my tent and ended up sleeping on the floor of the wyntuin. I phoned Hingsding and we had a long chat, felt like a Bolandse showground. I might have spurged on some cans of rum.