Not so great ending to a ride

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Anytime you can walk away (more or less) from an accident, its something to be thankful for. Speeding bikes
in any sort of twisties are potential accidents, especially in groups where the less experienced riders force
themselves into dangerous situations in trying to keep up. We were all there once, it just depends on how
disciplined you are in your riding. Even experienced riders get it wrong at times. Thats not an excuse, just
Glad your mate is ok!
Hopefully the other guy got his lesson.
EISH.. my mind is racing with the possibilities of how serious that could have been

So glad its relatively minor injuries
Hectic thing to happen. :cry:

Did he break his right hand ? if so, and if he is right-handed, how will he work? or ride a bike? That can take a long time to recover.

But yes could have been worse. Good thing your buddy was not also speeding and he was wearing good boots and proper pants with knee guards I see his one knee guard is also ripped?
Not sure which hand he has damaged. Fortunately semi retired so it’s more the time to heal that will restrict and limit his recreational activities. From what I’ve now heard the other rider was much worse. Two broken arms and his face got properly damaged
Men! We are just a problem! 😉

Some years ago I did some rider instruction for the Speed Queen Rider Academy. Mostly ladies learning to ride.

The number of boyfriends, fiancés, hubbies I saw who didn't deem instruction neccesary who couldn't ride their bikes properly was scary.
Ja, this is a very sobering incident. You're cruising along happily and safely and the actions of another vehicles driver/rider takes you out so utterly unexpectedly.
By the looks of those chicken strips, the furthest that GSX-R has ever leaned is on its side stand…
’Got the bike, but got no idea’

Al the best to your mate, on a speedy recovery.

Guts N Gas
I had exactly the same though when I looked at those tyres......
I stopped riding the franschoek pass, and clarence drive for this exact same reason. Every single time I rode those, there was on oncoming bike or two that ran wide into my hectic speed.
Not sure which hand he has damaged. Fortunately semi retired so it’s more the time to heal that will restrict and limit his recreational activities. From what I’ve now heard the other rider was much worse. Two broken arms and his face got properly damaged
With a bit of luck the dwis will be reminded of the shit he caused Every.Single.Day. when he looks in the mirror and sees his broken reflection looking back at him. And oh... the indignity of having someone else scrape his nought clean after every crap, priceless!
With a bit of luck the dwis will be reminded of the shit he caused Every.Single.Day. when he looks in the mirror and sees his broken reflection looking back at him. And oh... the indignity of having someone else scrape his nought clean after every crap, priceless!
Sjoe! Poor oke!
Is that an open face helmet that has just collapsed on one side. 😧 someone had an angel looking over them.
Life can change in a second. Blissful one second and death defining the next . Mistakes happen, so be grateful in survival,,and same for the person who caused it . Have no regrets and live life to the full. Never carry the burden of hate, maybe things at the end happen for reasons?? Hopefully both health soon
Is that an open face helmet that has just collapsed on one side. 😧 someone had an angel looking over them.
I doubt that a superbike rider will be riding with a open face helmet. Possibilities are better that he didn't fasten his helmet properly and it came of his head.
Glad all concerned is ok , very easy to comment , but looking at the corner in the photo , the Gsxr rider had no clue what to do and can be very lucky he collected a bike and not a truck .
My GSXR 1000 is parked on the floor in my shop as I use it everyday , and not a day passes without someone enquiring on the price , When I ask what bike they have ridden before , many say they have never ridden a bike , but like to own this one , I just shake my head ! have no clue what its about .
More counter steer could possibly have avoided the collision.
I doubt that a superbike rider will be riding with a open face helmet. Possibilities are better that he didn't fasten his helmet properly and it came of his head.

Ahh, on second look the helmet is not broken its the goggle strap hanging over the helmet.. big brass balls riding with a helmet like that, all it takes is your jaw ripped from your face in an impact to change that idea.
Glad all concerned is ok , very easy to comment , but looking at the corner in the photo , the Gsxr rider had no clue what to do and can be very lucky he collected a bike and not a truck .
My GSXR 1000 is parked on the floor in my shop as I use it everyday , and not a day passes without someone enquiring on the price , When I ask what bike they have ridden before , many say they have never ridden a bike , but like to own this one , I just shake my head ! have no clue what its about .
More counter steer could possibly have avoided the collision.

Myself and a few mates were riding along the coast towards Pringle Bay, on route to Agulhas, loads of superbikes on that road.. I was upfront but pulled over & started riding slow so that the group could catch up, I was doing maybe 60km/h and a group of superbikes passed me, waved and said hello.. as I was watching them ride off into the distance I saw a massive dust cloud.. the one superbike just decided for some reason to not take a corner and went straight.

Guy was a bit banged up and his bike was bent in 5 different directions .. his mates all stopped so we just checked everything was ok and carried on. Very bizarre.
I doubt that a superbike rider will be riding with a open face helmet. Possibilities are better that he didn't fasten his helmet properly and it came of his head.

The souperbike riders helmet is by the bikes rear wheel in the first picture and is a full face. :rolleyes:
The souperbike riders helmet is by the bikes rear wheel in the first picture and is a full face. :rolleyes:

Yes and a budget Spirit at that :unsure: Re comments about chicken strips on the tyres - the rear does look like it has taken some corners (front never the same unless MotoGP ;)) but yes was ob vee arsely in too hot. Good to see that the innocent victim had some good gear including Gaerne SG12's - re open face helmet ... back in the day we all wore them, I remember getting my first fullface and was a big deal - a meneer canary yellow Nava at that!

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