The 022 will likely accept your current plug, although I can’t confirm. With the 020 you will need to do some basic crimping, it uses 2 plugs, included in the wiring kit
I have a FH020AA mosfet. Kept it for my F800GS. Never used. Comes with a wiring kit. Compatible with the R1 up to 2014. This is a genuine Shingengen mosfet, not the cheaper china copies. That said, I have fitted the Startline china jobs to client bikes without comebacks
If you workharden stainless, that spot is basically done for as far as drilling is concerned. However, abrasive stones will sometimes still work to make a hole larger, even when workhardened
I have a couple of those in the shop, also too high for a 701 or 690 with unmodified suspension. But if you push the front wheel onto a brick, it will go in underneath. This style is very stable
Ek sien baie van hierdies. Ouens koop hulle en bring vir my om deur te gaan en fout kodes te lees, ens. Hulle betaal gewoonlik so R55 - 60k. Dalk meer kilos op, maar gewoonlik minder korrosie
I think you are mistaken. Just in time is to blame, yes, but at mothership level. I don’t think KTM makes much of anything themselves. So the suppliers making the intake valves and guides are withholding parts until they see money. Nothing to do with local dealerships. The 450FX shares a head...