Recent content by Bordercollie

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  1. B

    Folding dreipoot leather stoele

    I have the exact stoeltjie at home, just Zambezi. From my dad.
  2. B

    Super tenere vs GSA

    Just simple statistics: My 2013 XT1200Z as for today cost me N$1,19/km. This includes Insurance, services, all farkles (Luggage, protection, etc.) and license fee, excluding fuel and purchase price. The same items as per above currently is N$ 24,22/day.
  3. B

    Super tenere vs GSA

    Parallel twin, crossplane motor
  4. B

    Standing on Pegs (Meerkatting)

    See post #27. If can't touch you feet with your finger tips without bending your knees, chances are good that you will have lower back pain riding standing when you start. I am 1,97m tall and suffered from lower back pain in general. Since doing hamstring exercises it is gone.
  5. B

    Garmin 276c - SORTED THANKS

    Alles op die generasie 276C is duur. Memory kaarte amper onbekombaar en duur. Die grooste kaart is 512mb. Nou omtrent 277 euro sonder transport & import. Het gelukkig die grooste een (512) wat beskikbaar is. Kan amper die hele T4A vir Afrika vat. Kabels beskikbaar maar ook duur. Ek het 2...
  6. B

    Garmin 276c - SORTED THANKS

    Groot ronde een by die arial, nie USB nie.
  7. B

    Garmin 276c - SORTED THANKS

    Correct, If nothing happens after an hour, the battery is toast. Charging cable gee geen of min probleme. Wil die nuwe 276C koop. Beste aanbod vir my "ou" model is 3,500-00 van iemand wat vlieg.
  8. B

    Garmin 276c - SORTED THANKS

    Hou hom dop. As die battery dood is raak die battery warm as hy nie meer werk nie. OEM batterye is nog beskikbaar, maar duur. 2 Jaar terug 2,100-00 betaal. Memory cards nie meer nie. Sy nuwe boetie is 28,000-00 uit die box uit toe ek laas jaar gekyk het.
  9. B

    Garmin 276c - SORTED THANKS

    Old or new shape? One the best Garmins ever. Used my 276C on my plane and now on the bike. However not a GPS that jou can vroetel met die knopies while riding a bike. You will plant mielies in the rough.
  10. B

    Where has your bike taken you today?

    Lyk soos 'n Kaoko?
  11. B

    Standing on Pegs (Meerkatting)

    Sit of attack. Ek gaan eers oor op attack as ek die ambulans se serene hoor.
  12. B

    Standing on Pegs (Meerkatting)

    Die woord core is baie gebruik. Oefen jou hamstrings. Hulle speel 'n groot rol in laer rug pyn. Kan jy jou tone raak sonder om jou bene te buig.
  13. B

    Lane splitting is the same as entitled cyclists who think they own the roads

    He still believe that the hair is not growing well at that spot. The worst according to him that it didn't glide/ slide off, it hangs on like a octopus with 50 tentacles. He had to scrub it off with grass and washed it with his own spit.
  14. B

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    And another one +
  15. B

    Lane splitting is the same as entitled cyclists who think they own the roads

    A friend of mine stopped lane splitting when a taxi driver spitted a big glob mucus out of the window when he passed by splitting lanes. Hit him on the arm. No jacket.