Recent content by chopperpilot

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  1. chopperpilot

    Chain adjuster bolt seized and is now broken

    En boor n dreineringsgaatjie in elke been van die swingarm, sodat water kan uitloop.
  2. chopperpilot

    Tork Craft rubbish !

    Ek het so ʼn antwoord verwag!🤭 Donner die R 200 se borsels sommer op plaveisel stene op!🤣
  3. chopperpilot

    Tork Craft rubbish !

    Did you consider vapour blasting it, of wou jy geld spaar en dit self doen?🤔🤣
  4. chopperpilot

    Wanted TT600

    Agents? Also speak to Malcolm Mamet in Durbs. Malcolm Mamet Motorcycles. He seems to know his way with restoring Yammies.
  5. chopperpilot

    Sold For Sale: Honda XR 250 Tornado

    Phone the shop. Speak to Conrad, the owner.
  6. chopperpilot

    New bike advice

    Welcome to the Forum @Tate. As you don't have a support structure, you need a reliable bike. If possible, buy Japanese, new or nearly new. I agree with the 250s recommended here. Go test ride what you are interested in. KTMs you preferably avoid, as the company is bankrupt and product...
  7. chopperpilot

    Good idea ? ... tool related

    You seem to be the master, Bart!🤭
  8. chopperpilot

    T7 Upgrade Time – Ready to Roll!

    Awesome! Congratulations on acquiring the T7, and great to have you on here again @Andy660!😁
  9. chopperpilot

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Jy moet net die blou kleur weer terug verander na KTM oranje, dan is dit weer jou profile pic.😉 Het jy al Nederlandse burgerskap?
  10. chopperpilot

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Kan nog steeds nie spel nie, maar weet als van bikes af. Gaan praat k@k op die KTM Thread, en red jou sinkende brand! Hierdie thread is vir die wat van die T7 hou. Ons stel nie belang in holrug geryde kommentaar nie.
  11. chopperpilot

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Jy weet so baie van ʼn T7, jy besit seker een van 2021 af.
  12. chopperpilot


    I'm not a Meerkat, but can look it over for you!😁😁 PM me your details.
  13. chopperpilot

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    Besit jy nou al ʼn T7?🤔
  14. chopperpilot

    Nuwe kat met dikker stert

    Sê Julian die ECU kan nie geflash word nie?