Recent content by dieseldawie

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  1. dieseldawie

    Wanted 125 beginners bike
  2. dieseldawie

    Seen Bike(s) on Facebook

    Too Cheap...I smell a scam
  3. dieseldawie

    Wossner piston: Feed back from those who did it please

    watching with interest. As I said mine was fantastic until 10 000km when the oil rings collapsed.
  4. dieseldawie

    Seen Bike(s) on Facebook
  5. dieseldawie

    For Sale DT 175

    Thanks, I thought that maybe the newer shapes were 12v. Need a donor bike to convert my 1979 to 12v.
  6. dieseldawie

    Honda CT90 - Postie help required

    I tried to scan the QR code on your back
  7. dieseldawie

    For Sale DT 175

    Are the electrics on the 12v?
  8. dieseldawie

    Honda CT90 - Postie help required

    Tommie still has a 3310.
  9. dieseldawie

    My Honda CRF250L ownership experience

    Used Champions in my 2017 A/T fitted fine and worked well.
  10. dieseldawie

    DRZ could it be finally ?

    Why do you think the price will be under R130k based on the previous 2 pages of discussion?
  11. dieseldawie

    The OOSTFIN "Sethuthuthu" Weekend, 11 - 13 October 2024

    Good reason to have the bash then.
  12. dieseldawie

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    I will remember that the next time I chill my Wort.
  13. dieseldawie

    For Sale Legendary Helmet For Sale

    What is a decent offer? Size?
  14. dieseldawie

    DRZ could it be finally ?

    I paid 13k More for my 800DE. Thats Crazy