Recent content by Just_Plain_Dan

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  1. Just_Plain_Dan

    Snake Photos

    Had this visitor at my house in Montana, Pta Safely released in the garden..
  2. Just_Plain_Dan

    Sorted PW 50

    I am planning on selling my boy's crf50 within a week or two
  3. Just_Plain_Dan

    For Sale A Lot of Pre-Owned Goods to Go (3)

    What size is the kids mx pants?
  4. Just_Plain_Dan

    Sold 2010 KTM 250 XC-W (Project) R10K

    Interested... where do you stay?
  5. Just_Plain_Dan

    Finally, it is time to introduce myself

    It was Shane Haven't seen him post in a long time
  6. Just_Plain_Dan

    Looking at this 990? Careful!

    Speedo terugdraai is n algemene sport in Zambesi weg. R400 en jy kies self die kilos. Kar bike boot... maak nie saak nie. Ek self het n mooi les geleer. Het n bakkie gekoop met 186000km op. Kondisie was goed, bietjie vuil maar hy ry lekker. So jaar later wil ek hom verkoop, kry toe kwotasie by...
  7. Just_Plain_Dan

    Garmin Montana 600 screen

    And it was well on its way to 1 000 000 km So I am a little pissed to say the least. Wonder what a lcd screen would cost from garmin?
  8. Just_Plain_Dan

    Garmin Montana 600 screen

    Mine was still perfectly fine last week, noticed this thread this week, this morning the screen is full of vertical lines in the right hand corner. Fučk!
  9. Just_Plain_Dan

    Easy Loader type trailer. Pros and cons? Who makes the best?

    As jy rondkyk en nie haastig is nie kom daar bargains verby. Ek het n jaar terug n 2M 3 bike gekry op facebook vir R12k. Perfekte kondisie. By ver die beste sleepwa wat ek nog gehad het
  10. Just_Plain_Dan

    RIP- Robski

    What happened? Anyone know?
  11. Just_Plain_Dan

    RIP- Robski

    Wtf.... Terrible news. Condolences to his loved ones
  12. Just_Plain_Dan

    Snake Photos

    Toe ek nou jou post lees op my foon sien ek net die eerste foto onder die text.... 😳😳😳 Amper gedink jy het n huis slang met n jong kobra verwar. Dit sou n lastige surprize gewees het
  13. Just_Plain_Dan

    The BAD ADVICE thread

    Probably die snaakste ding wat in my 13 jaar op die forum gebeur het
  14. Just_Plain_Dan

    Wanted 50cc Wanted

    Bump.... one last time. Then its off to the local bike shop