Much higher in fact. Not for short riders.
EDIT: I walked over to mine and measured 930mm while holding it up. I had no help so it might be off by a cm either way.
When I ride often I stand less, only over very slow technical terrain. When I ride less often I tend to get nervous quicker and stand more - in my opinion , you feel less movement which appears to offer more control - maar eintlik is dit omdat ek bang raak en dit voel beter as ek staan.
We have the same as the A2 if you obtain a full license before your 18th birthday. Most just keeps their learners and do the practical after turning 18 to have the full license.
My wife names our cars based on her first experience with them. My Jeep JK was called two-step because it wouldn't drive straight and bounced a lot. Her car was called Hansie (from Hansie Slim) because it had some "clever" tech that she didn't expect. She later procured a cooler for keeping...
My XR is Blaf - want dis wat hy doen as jy sy oor draai.
Die GSA is Knormoer soos ek maar met verwysing na die Afrikaans vir starter en nie die knorrige moer wat ek is nie.
Die R9T is Lucifer. Ek het net nodig om oor Bainskloof te ry om te onthou hoekom die naam gegee is. Ek was al bang dat die...
I travelled to London with a colleague around 2010, landed at Heathrow and while going through security, he was detained and taken into a little room. Turns out his wife wanted to surprise him with his favourite marzipan chocolate fingers which resembled dynamite sticks on the x-ray. When asked...
We used to avoid buying anything to take back on a plane and found most things available on Amazon in the UK, even a biltong carver I needed at the time. The vellies makes sense if that's your thing.
PS: I never thought I'd ever encounter someone living in/near Bunbury. I spent a couple of...
I've seen many attempts at making a production motorcycle look steampunk with most of the adaptions only skindeep. This machine screams steampunk and everything on it appears to have been specifically designed and manufactured.
I could never afford this level of custom bike and I don't have the...
For most of my adventure touring I sit >90% of the time, there's no need to be standing unless my ass needs a break.
I've had the same question pop into my mind a few times given most of the training/coaching I paid for was done standing.
It’s been a while since I finished Lucifer and between changing jobs, building/furnishing/decorating the new house and Lereze’s accident this year I did not ride as much as I planned. Definitely no meaningful adventure rides. I did manage to do a few short runs on Lucifer so here’s a selection...