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    • L
      LMC replied to the thread Footpeg Diaries.
      From my little island in Indian Ocean , discover the youtube chanel since a few weeks only: absolutely fans now!!! Go on guys!
    • L
      LMC replied to the thread Nice route from Pta to Dullstroom.
      Many thanks for very useful informations guys!
    • L
      LMC reacted to Dwerg's post in the thread Nice route from Pta to Dullstroom with Like Like.
      I haven't ridden it for many years. Can't say but I have done that route in a Golf many years ago. Maybe not the Laersdrif/pass section
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      LMC replied to the thread Nice route from Pta to Dullstroom.
      Thank you very much. Will have a Africa twin so no pb for gravel roads but a sedan car will also be in the party: doable for it?
    • L
      Hi, next monday will ride and drive from Pta East to Dullstroom or nearby and also want to go through Tonteldoos. Any nice road to...
    • L
      LMC replied to the thread 800 GS prices.
      Thanks, very useful info👍
    • L
      LMC replied to the thread 800 GS prices.
      Yes there is quite a few around that price, that is why I asked infos about the 800😯
    • L
      LMC replied to the thread 800 GS prices.
      That would have been the perfect option but not in the budget for now. Budget will depend of the price I would win for the 990.
    • L
      LMC replied to the thread 800 GS prices.
      I would like to keep the 990 but I have so much issues than I'm not confident anymore in the bike. I'm not a SA citizen and only ride...
    • L
      LMC replied to the thread 800 GS prices.
      Really nice but not in my budget for now.
    • L
      LMC reacted to johanp's post in the thread 800 GS prices with Like Like.
      Haven't been on a 990, but I'm sure it would be much better offroad than the 800. On the road the 800 is decent and comfy up to 130 or...
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      LMC replied to the thread 800 GS prices.
      Nice! Thanks a lot for all valuable informations, I appreciate. And what about the riding sensations tar road/offroad compared to a KTM...
    • L
      Hi guys, my uncle just bought an Africa Twin and I'm looking for a very reliable bike to replace my 990 when sold. Looking at GS 800...
    • L
      LMC replied to the thread Ben 10 days from Durban.
      Not easy to plan so could suggest an itinerary from Durban in 4 days then back to Durban? And also accommodations? Thanks a lot
    • L
      LMC replied to the thread Ben 10 days from Durban.
      Thanks, that is what I was thinking.
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