Recent content by Manic

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  1. Manic

    BMW F900GS / GSA

    Ek het n 900GS met 60km op as jy belangstel:giggle: Hy float da iewers in Sale section rond.
  2. Manic

    BMW F900GS / GSA

    Die 900GS is n nuwe bike vd ground af up. Die GSA is nie. Dis basies ma nog die ou bike.
  3. Manic

    BMW F900GS / GSA

    Die 900GS en GSA is nie meer soos in die ou tyd, een het net n groter tank nie... Dis nou basies twee verskillende bikes. So jy moet reg kies.
  4. Manic

    Prepsol now clear color?

    Mine too, and then its kak. As if it looses its cleaning abilities :cry:
  5. Manic

    For Sale *SOLD* BMW HP2 Megamoto R80K *SOLD*

    On this bike you dont make an offer. You pay the R80k and run. You lost out.
  6. Manic

    For Sale *SOLD* BMW HP2 Megamoto R80K *SOLD*

    This is a town bike. Usable fuel around 10 liter. I use to get 100km on mine per tank. In the Lowveld I had to fill up in every town, or get stuck without fuel. This is a hooligan machine of note. Lots of painted carbon fibre panels on bike. No electronics and stuff. Start and go. Run all day...
  7. Manic

    Help - tracing owner based on Reg

    Or they selling the bike cause the Owner owes them money for repairs or storage... Walk away.
  8. Manic

    What to do???

    Dankie vd 5min v my lewe wat ek gemors het nou wat ek nooit weer kan terug kry nie,.
  9. Manic

    Sorted PW 50

    Hoe lyk die 80, abused of nog mooi? Ek soek een.
  10. Manic

    For Sale *SOLD* BMW HP2 Megamoto R80K *SOLD*

    Wie wil n Motard bike op grond gaan ry??? Heng tjom, eish.
  11. Manic

    For Sale *SOLD* BMW HP2 Megamoto R80K *SOLD*

    If this had like 15k or 20k on the clock, R165 000 all day long.
  12. Manic

    For Sale *SOLD* BMW HP2 Megamoto R80K *SOLD*

    There was only 16 units for sale in SA. Still miss mine. One bike I shouldve kept. Sold it with 1000km on clock.
  13. Manic

    BMW R1300GS and A luggage

    Presumably, in responding to the weight wars, BMW chose not to make provision for panniers it seems. Both the R1300GS and R1300GS are sold without pannier racks or top box mounts. All the GS and GSA 1300's I ve seen has the racks/mounts etc on them. Only if you take the entry level bike I...
  14. Manic

    For Sale Bmw 310 GS.

    I ordered one. Was phoned this afternoon. Seems some confusion about the R25k voucher between dealer and head office. More a "understood wrong" confusion from the Dealer side :cry::cry: So yip, R85k for a demo.