Recent content by Mr Zog

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  1. Mr Zog

    Meanwhile in Canada 🇨🇦

    Immigrant, you are truly blessed to be able to take a year off to spend this quality time with your kids... You are making memories that they will remember for ever. :love:
  2. Mr Zog

    Australia.... The Island Saga...TwoOhTuTu

    I also saw this on vleisbroek and read it to the wife. She agreed completely 😇😂
  3. Mr Zog

    Little House near the Mairie - My French Farmhouse.

    Ai Derek...:cry: They say misfortune comes in threes. Lets hope yours is at an end now. I say get rid of the Volvo, and get yourself another car. At the French rate, it will take several years for the Volvo to get repaired. Good luck with the insulation. We have insulation, not for the cold...
  4. Mr Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    So little Maggie is in the hospital again. I took her in on Sunday afternoon after she took a turn. Her bloodwork shower her liver values are sky-high, hence her not wanting to eat anything. She's been on IV fluids, and medications. This afternoon they gave her some steroids to see if that will...
  5. Mr Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    My first attempt at tying a fly. I decided to start off with something bigger, more suited to my ailing eyesight and the developing arthritis in my hands and fingers. So I tied up a fly for bass. Very crude, but I did attempt to make it weedless using some heavy gauge leader from my...
  6. Mr Zog

    Grizz's Random Ramblings and builds from U.K. 🇬🇧 BOU NOU WIKKEL WIKKEL 🚀 2021 🇺🇸

    Just look at it this way... When you first started the truck resto, you left the wires in because it was a moerofa job to replace them. But after doing the Rezin Rocket, you saw that although it's a LOT of work, it's not impossible. So now you are doing that resto the right way. Good for...
  7. Mr Zog

    The not-so-handy handyman and other randomness

    Use some fine sandpaper and clean that commutator. Also, when power is on, very carefully (so you don't shock yourself) try to see if you can make the motor spin. Also check the bearings in the motor and sander head, if they are tight then the sander can also stop...
  8. Mr Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    The last few weeks have been hard. That's all I will say about that. Tonight, things got a whole lot better. I was home from work, watching the news headlines on TV, when the local news channel showed an item about the Queen tribute band performing in Daytona Beach. Well, one thing led to...
  9. Mr Zog

    My African Dream - reporting from Haiti

    Kia Ora mate! enjoy your holiday, you have deserved it! All y'all come visit us as well some time! We miss you!
  10. Mr Zog

    Australia.... The Island Saga...TwoOhTuTu

    Methinks the Princess in the garden shed is gonna sleep in a sauna :ROFLMAO: We have overnight temps like that here in the summer, with humidity in the 90's. Those nights we are very grateful for the aircon.
  11. Mr Zog

    The not-so-handy handyman and other randomness

    That lid looks great Willie! It was about 50 years ago, and it was a square Laurel parrafin tin that had been very roughly cut open at the top that I gave myself a scar that I still have to this day. We were living on a small farm in the Hammanskraal area. My step-father had cut open the top...
  12. Mr Zog

    Australia.... The Island Saga...TwoOhTuTu

    That's a strong snorkel! 😎 I remember camping in the jungle in the DRC working oil exploration, we quickly learned to check for deadfall before setting up the tent.
  13. Mr Zog

    Australia.... The Island Saga...TwoOhTuTu

    Its the small victories... 😎
  14. Mr Zog

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Today was ... interesting... I started off full of vim and vigor. I was in the workshop and doing a bit more towards getting the dust extraction chute for the router figured out. I had added a couple of extra bits and needed to let glue dry. So I was sitting in the workshop figuring out what...