That would be first price, they in such service in that small town. They are on a budget and the young man is itching to up his riding skills.
My BIL son has a RM85 that they are fixing up as Father and son project. Upon the test drive this week end I noticed a pinhole water leak on the left side of the head. Can this be repaired or should they look at a replacement head?
Eenig iemand met ondervinding in so tipe herstel werk op 'n...
Petri, voer een van die Honda 750 A-ADV scooters in van Europa af... Het hulle in Italie gesien.......flippen mooi en nog vinniger. Dit behoort daai Vrystaatse grondpaaie maklik kaf te draf!
My 2c's: Plan your trip outside of peak tourist season (starting end of June ending September) if you want to go to Italy. Like said above tourists all over. Do NOT plan for November, December, January and part of February unless you like snow and rain!
Look at the start of the Tour de France...
The freeplay (B above) is important to get in limits. More over here:
Some online resources in reference.
PS: The smaller the bike the better your changes to pass. "DO NOT attempt on a big cruiser or adventure bike" as per Harry the instructor!