Recent content by Skeltonsc

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  1. Skeltonsc


    @Welsh I suppose I am since getting married.
  2. Skeltonsc


    yeah @Psycho Porra I remember him well from the Walkerville days as well as the few trips we did, last I heard I think he moved to Natal? since I left Gauteng I have lost touch with just about everyone. Its sad to see how many blokes I have met on this forum that have passed over the years...
  3. Skeltonsc

    TVB trot 3 days in the footsteps of a true adventurer

    thanx Tom for a lekker report and welcome back we all missed you
  4. Skeltonsc

    Old forum nostalgia pictures

    have not done a group ride in 12 years, but came across these the other day
  5. Skeltonsc

    Kill Switch or Key?

    I use my kill switch when freewheeling down hill in gear, kill it for a few seconds then on again, just so the exhaust can backfire. great for scaring kids and old people in underground parking lots :cool:
  6. Skeltonsc

    Life in America - We made the move.

    thank you so much, really appreciate your replys
  7. Skeltonsc

    Life in America - We made the move.

    yeah I understand, and you hit the nail on the head, but for a simple person, who is currently middle class does not have or can afford garden services maids etc, never bought a new car, normal 3 bedroom house, kids go to public schools, hospital plan and not full medical aid etc, in Rand value...
  8. Skeltonsc

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Hi all, just wondering what is the cost of living like in the states, I may have the opertunity to go over this year, but am trying to figure out if I make $120k a year will I be ok? also looking at Florida, just cause its a work from home gig and I love coastal fishing, but they require me to...
  9. Skeltonsc

    Veichle disc renewal E-NATIS website. Kudos!

    All my vehicles expire end November but this year I waited till the 20th December to do mine and they arrived on the 23rd at my gate. done it like this twice now.
  10. Skeltonsc

    Lithium battery for Hilux?

    My Bt-50 gives me 24 months on a battery, have had 2 batteries now, the last one was covered by warrentee, but its like it doesn't charge enough with this smart alternator crap, after about 18 months you can hear it spin slower in the mornings, then place it on charge and for a few weeks it will...
  11. Skeltonsc

    Bleeding brakes

    my Dad tried bleeding his Clutch on his polo, no amount of pumping would get the air out, bought him one of those ardendorff pompies and 10 minutes later he was sorted.
  12. Skeltonsc

    Sold Easy loader bike trailer (Sold)

    Howzit, was homebuild in Vanderbijlpark, was sold in 2 days :)
  13. Skeltonsc

    Sorted Assistance in Durban

    @Thumper Dumper I'm just joking with you, nothing else we can do here in Toti, have lekker weekend :) but yes I am over all this Shit in the water and power issues and days with no running water, hope you not anywhere near Adams rd, seems they have the worst of it.
  14. Skeltonsc

    Sorted Assistance in Durban

    @Thumper Dumper LOL see you also in Toti, and then your Forum name makes perfect sense, with all those dumps coming down the winkelspruit river and doonside
  15. Skeltonsc

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    Just seen this thread, there is a guy, not sure if he is still around, he lives in Parys, he was a Truck driver at the time, he had a Blue one with racing stripes oh and it was back wheel drive with a ford V6 or V8 in the front Shit I wonder if Oom Danie is still around