Recent content by super ten

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  1. S

    XR 400R electric start

    Lars I had a 16 T front, cant remember the back, must ask Berty to whom I sold the bike to. Think it was 45/46 back. The 16 gives you enough legs, easily 110km/h. And changing to a 15 front whilst on the go, is also very simple. 16T just just fits in perfectly.
  2. S

    XR 400R electric start

    For the 650R
  3. S

    XR 400R electric start

    Lars, I dont have the link at hand, but check out the instruction video on Youtube for the 650R. Very practical fitting instructions. All the modified casings etc, is supplied in a kit. Includes the battery pack with all the brackets and grommets.
  4. S

    XR 400R electric start

    I watched yesterday on youtube, the starter motor complete kit that was fitted to a 650R. Do you know if its available for the 400R as well? Looks super simple to fit. Practical. What does this cost?
  5. S

    Where do you attach your license disc?

    Stick it loose on top of front shock, cover with clear sellotape. Never comes loose. No worries about having that bracket coming loose.
  6. S

    Wilddog Event Western Cape Bash 2025. 21 - 23 March

    Jan Ek't betaal vir Super Ten & Z11( Deon & Stephen). Kamp 2 nagte
  7. S

    Wilddog Event Western Cape Bash 2025. 21 - 23 March

    Ja thats him. He put the roof on his current house.
  8. S

    Wilddog Event Western Cape Bash 2025. 21 - 23 March

    Heimer Wat behels Karoo nessie? Is daar 2 beddens met beddegoed? 2 van ons groep wil dit dalk neem. 2 single beddens of 1 dubbel?
  9. S

    Wilddog Event Western Cape Bash 2025. 21 - 23 March

    Jan, Gaan daar ketel vir koffie water verskaf word deur hosts?
  10. S

    Wilddog Event Western Cape Bash 2025. 21 - 23 March

    Ja Berty, ek en Stephen is in, gaan die naweek betaal. Die ander 2-3 sukkel om te confirm. Not my problem...
  11. S

    DRZ could it be finally ?

    Goeie nuus! Miskien het die battle wat ek gefight het, die deur oopgehou vir die toekoms!;)
  12. S

    DRZ could it be finally ?

    Nee, ek het dit nie gese nie. Iemand anders het dit gese. Ek het maar net my eie experience hier gepost na aanvraag hieroor. Ek kannie bevestig of dit wel die situasie is nie, maar dit sal net goed wees om agtergrond te he indien jy dalk die bike verkoop, dit nie weet nie en dan wil die koper sy...
  13. S

    Sold KTM 500 - 23 EXC-F - All inclusive package R 140 000.00

    Persoonlik hou ek meer van die rooi bikes as die orange! Maar dis goeie kopie. Al daai ektras... en dan weet jy wat jy gaan kry van 500 XC. Bliksem.
  14. S

    Western cape bash

    Nie te veel nie Boere, anders smelt die ys te gou!!
  15. S

    DRZ could it be finally ?

    Ek het hierdie pad geloop hele paar jaar terug toe ek my eerste DRZ gekoop het. Ek moes deur al die kanale gaan, brief van Suzuki ontvang hoe hulle die bike ingebring het met padvaardigheid. By Natis uitgevind dat iemand call gemaak het om dit van die sisteem af te skraap. My vertoe gerig...