The Bushpig Thumper Bash - Bankfontein farm - 12-14 April 2024 - Two Nights off line! & RR

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Very luckily the farmer turned out to be a retired orthopod and his daughter a nurse. They patched Tony up and gave him painkillers. I suspect he will be able to ride his bike - at least to “civilization” where he can get transport home and store his bike
Thanks Rob for organizing a lekker bash. It was a lovely ride on the dirt from Philipollis and on the farm road. And you and Ellie worked so hard to ensure we all got there (eventually!) and were generously fed and watered.
Thanks Rob for organizing a lekker bash. It was a lovely ride on the dirt from Philipollis and on the farm road. And you and Ellie worked so hard to ensure we all got there (eventually!) and were generously fed and watered.
Only a pleasure!
Wa's die kiekies asb
Gee kans... Van ons het nou eers ontwaak en sommiges ry nog huis toe. Ek gooi so een of twee van die WA groep se kant... routemarker...
Thanks to Keith, aka @ruffian we had a good bed of coals for the steaks on Saturday night.
Took a while to defrost them first as our inpromtu ride to Orania made me forget to take them out the freezer...
FLTR - Myself, Peter, Tony (Tony the Boney), Keith (Ruffian), Riana (Ri), Warrick (BellsAngel), Petri Oosthuizen. Photo taken by Ellie (Moondancer). Stuart (Umko) had left for home earlier on the day.
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