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  1. kalahariben

    Parys De Aar Adventure Rally - 2011 (19 - 22 March ***fully booked***

    Indeed correct. Schedule as follows: Sat. 19/03: meet up in Parys - sleep over as to be able to hit the road early the next morning Sun. 20/03: Parys > Warrenton Mon. 21/03: Warrenton > Orania (yep - you read correctly  :)) Tues. 22/03: Orania > De Aar I usually ride back from De Aar via...
  2. kalahariben

    Parys De Aar Adventure Rally - 2011 (19 - 22 March ***fully booked***

    Ah - yes - the dates. I keep forgetting. Idea is to meet up in Parys for 'scrutineering' (actually just a kuier and to prep a bit) on 19 March, and to end up in De Aar on 22 March (public holiday somewhere in-between). Best is to then take a day or two to get back from De Aae (own preference...
  3. kalahariben

    Parys De Aar Adventure Rally - 2011 (19 - 22 March ***fully booked***

    Esteemed ladies and gentlemen As some of you may know, I facilitate a quirky little off-road trip each year: since the demise of the real Paris Dakar, I orchestrate the Parys De Aar trip/ adventure / excursion each year. This year's planning is to change a little bit of the approx. 1100...
  4. kalahariben

    BMW X-Challenge for sale - Sold

    Sold to a gentleman in Pietermaritzburg  :)
  5. kalahariben

    BMW X-Challenge for sale - Sold

    Ok - will go as low as R49k - unfortunately can't afford to go lower as I need to make a dent in my new house bond  :'(
  6. kalahariben

    BMW X-Challenge for sale - Sold

    Am I allowed to bump my own post? (he he)
  7. kalahariben

    BMW X-Challenge for sale - Sold

    Thanks Mike! Yep - I've really looked after the X-C - I'm quite pedantic about my vehicles...
  8. kalahariben

    BMW X-Challenge for sale - Sold

    Esteemed WD gentlemen and ladies Having to invest some cash in accommodation (yip - wife reckons it's more important to live in a nice house than to own cool bikes), so conclusion is that the X-Challenge unfortunately needs to be parted with  :( So - a couple of vital bits of information: -...
  9. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    What can I say - the man is a legend. Just also wanted to extend a huge word of thanks for the fantastic support at the event held at Bavarian Centurion last Friday - apparently there were approx. 250 people. It was ont only inspiring to hear some of Ted's stories, but it was also cool to...
  10. kalahariben

    Ted Simon(Jupiter's travels)talk in Cape Town now on WEDNESDAY 1 Dec@ 6pm (R50)

    Rynet The biggest thanks goes to you - thanks for volunteering to co-ordinate the Cape leg of Ted's trip, and a huge thanks for pulling the event off so elegantly and professionally. I had a long glass of red wine with Ted last night, and it really seems that he is thoroughly impressed - so...
  11. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    Hi! It's really nice to get such positive feedback :-) The event on Friday will be at the Centurion branch - idea is for Ted to show some photos etc. of especially his 1973 trip.
  12. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    Hi guys Thanks for the positive feedback - it is really appreciated. Ted also enjoyed the talk tremendously, and commented on the fact that the questions were really excellent. Bruno took a huge amount of pics - his e-mail address is [email protected] (I'm sure he won't mind sharing some)...
  13. kalahariben

    Leo's 2010 Parys DeAar Adventure rally

    He he - if Mike does not come on the 2011 PDA, the event is being cancelled :-)
  14. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    Hi all Please note that Penguin Books will ensure that there are copies of Ted's books for sale at the Pretoria- as well as Cape Town events. They have indicated that suggested retail is as follows: Jupiter's Travels = R155 Dreaming of Jupiter = R175 I'm sure Ted will also not mind to sign...
  15. kalahariben

    X Challenge or 660 Yamaha wanted

    I'll part with my X-Challenge - 7500km on the odo - was thinking along the lines of 50k.
  16. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    In order to show Ted some of the scenery available in our incredible country, I decided to take him to the Timkulu Safari lodge ( near Warrenton in the Northern Cape for 3 nights (23 - 26 November). You are however also cordially invited to partake in this extremely rare (and...
  17. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    Green light given :-) Thanks for offerring to help PS - the other thing I forgot to mention is that it would be great if someone could lend him a bike to get around with... I know I'm pushing my luck, but maybe Atlantic Motorrad could lend him a Beemer?
  18. kalahariben

    Ted Simon - visit to South Africa: Pretoria / JHB

    Gentlemen (and of course esteemed ladies) Inspired by the positive response received from the Cape Town WDs, I had a re-look at Ted's travel plans. 29 November 02 December seems a distinct possibility. To be able to pull a visit to Cape Town off, I will however need some help: -...
  19. kalahariben

    So whats the story with the 650XChallenge

    My 10c worth: had my pissed off (cross!) challenge for some years now - loving every moment on it. BMW has a standard recall on the shock, where they fix the rubbing issue free of charge. Mine was also replaced under warranty (again free of charge) since it kept losing pressure. The new one is...