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  1. kalahariben

    Super Saturday: Bavarian Motorcycles (East - Silver Lakes)

    Hi all! Bavarian Motorcycles (Pretoria East) is hosting a family / fun day this Saturday (1 August) - activities include: Extreme stunts by Brian Capper (10h30 - 11h00 & 12h15 - 12h45) Wheelie machine (09h00 - 14h00) Scooter race (13h00 - 14h00) Product sneak preview (10h15) I will most...
  2. kalahariben


    Hi! Does anybody know whether it is possible to get Dainese gear in SA? Pref. Gauteng...
  3. kalahariben

    R 80GS Kalahari

    Sure - no prob - 150K should do the trick. No- seriously - I think I'll stick with the old lady untill I'm old and grey. Sorry gents.
  4. kalahariben

    Parys De Aar Adventure Rally - Awareness for Laraine Botha

    Hi all As you might have heard, the Parys De Aar Adventure Rally was an immense success (again) this year: 22 motorcycles and 2 4x4 vehicles followed the meander of the Vaal- and Orange rivers from Parys (Freestate) to De Aar (NC), covering 1200km of incredible gravel. In correspondence with...
  5. kalahariben

    Steering damper

    Eish - I think I'll take the plunge - seems like money well spent. Thanks for all the feedback - MUCH appreciated!
  6. kalahariben

    R 80GS Kalahari

    Good luck - they only ever made 55 of these puppies - I'm on my 2nd (my 1st was sold to an Italian who rode it back to his homeland...). Awesome bike though - 36L tank, WP rear shock... shall I continue...?
  7. kalahariben

    Steering damper

    For many years I have applied the two steering dampers attached to my torso, without incident or adverse effect. I have however recently been considering purchasing a steering damper to use on both my X-Challenge as well as R80GS Kalahari. So here's the question: is it REALLY worth while? Is...
  8. kalahariben

    The importance of hand guards

    ...not only do they look cool, they also protect your levers... but MOST importantly they protect your hands: went riding with a gentleman last weekend, who after a small spill lost the whole front part of his finger (...was clipped off by the brake level pressing the finger against the end of...
  9. kalahariben

    Leo's Parys DeAar Adventure rally and more

    Hey Leo - thanks for the absolutely stunning RR! I am not a man of many words, and not half as eloquent as Leo, but here goes... ...I often wonder how and why this tour was created - seemingly the main challenge was to see whether it would be possible to follow the flow of the Vaal- and Orange...
  10. kalahariben

    Parys De Aar Adventure Rally: 2009

    I must also add: people like Colin Murphy are also contributing hugely to the trip - he's agreed for me to hook a monster trailer to his Land Rover (Defender 90) to carry all the luggage / camping equipment - thanks Colin!
  11. kalahariben

    Parys De Aar Adventure Rally: 2009

    Excellent! Will be nice to have you guys there! Huge apologies for not advertising this thing more aggressively and for not inviting more people - like Plothond also remarked: in terms of logistics it is extremely difficult to accommodate more than 25 / 30 people. Please however send me an...
  12. kalahariben

    Parys De Aar Adventure Rally: 2009

    Hi all! ...I wasn't sure in which section of the forum to post this, but here goes... The much anticipated Parys De Aar Adventure Rally is happening again this year (in fact this weekend...) - 28 intrepid adventurers (2 4x4 vehicles and 24 motorcycles) are set to follow the meander of the...
  13. kalahariben

    Wanted: K-Way Savannah 2-person tent

    ...have been using mine for absolute ages, and is now kaput, so hoping that someone has one stashed somewhere that I can buy since Cape Union Mart does not stock this tent anymore. (...noticed them by the hundreds at the 2005 GS-Challenge...).
  14. kalahariben

    BMW G 650 XCHALLENGE whats it like ?

    ...bought one approx. 6 months ago, and absolute loving it! For the price, you will go very far to find anything that compares... and since BMW might be discontinuing it, it's bound to become a classic, thus very sought after. Oh - yes - and it's VERY upgradeable - you can radically change the...
  15. kalahariben

    Parys De Aar Adventure Rally - 2008

    Cool - will try to figure out how to post pics - my WD skills are still rather rudimentary...
  16. kalahariben

    Ted Simon: ATW (1973 & 2001)

    I'm so revved up about Ted's story that I want to buy a 'plane ticket to the US to see one of his slide shows... Else I thought I should try to get some sponsors (I can even go chat to the same guys that sponsored the Parys De Aar Adventure Rally) and see if I can get him here to come chat to...
  17. kalahariben

    Ted Simon: ATW (1973 & 2001)

    Hi all! I want so raise some awareness: I'm busy reading a book called Dreaming of Jupiter, and realised with a shocking revelation that this is a piece of cult literature - Ted Simon rode around the work at age 43, and again at age 69. 1st book was called Jupiter's travels - I still need to...
  18. kalahariben

    Parys De Aar Adventure Rally - 2008

    Hi all! As promised, I compiled a ride report on the 2008 Parys De Aar Adventure Rally - I duely sent it to the webmaster at BMW motorrad, and he agreed to publish it: Please note that this event was not an exclusive BMW...
  19. kalahariben

    Parys De Aar Adventure Rally - 2008

    ...I'll post my ride report asap - will do so next month sometime so as to not distract from the Top Bike article. On the topic of next year's event: I'll open up entries approx. December this year (event will again be end-April 2009) - available spots will be approx. 25 - will keep you posted.
  20. kalahariben

    Parys De Aar Adventure Rally - 2008

    ...intention was (and definitely will be for the 2009 event) for all brands of motorcycles to partake - it was just by chance that the majority of the bikes were BMW. Just also to specifically mention: Jeep SA came on board for this year's event, and assisted to reduce cost for participants by...