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  1. Ri

    My guilty confusion...

    He rides a DR650, his workshop is neat and clean and he's handy with tools...I'm in love 😍 But so young. Sigh.
  2. Ri

    Best route and Road conditions to Lambert's Bay

    I would also offer place to stay, but my student nephew and niece are squatting with me for the foreseeable future 😑 I drove up to Pretoria in October via Kimberley, and the tar road was mostly in acceptable condition. Quite a few trucks ride the road. Road gets dodgier and more potholed the...
  3. Ri

    DR themed Thumper bash April 2024 - Freestate (voting continues)

    O jinne gaan ons by 'n ouetehuis Bash hou? My Thumper is nou nog nie só oud nie. But I see some Thumpers are...
  4. Ri

    Bike Museum

    Thanks! Ah, I know where Reebok is. Going that way next weekend but I admit, I'd rather go look at bikes than cars.
  5. Ri

    DR themed Thumper bash April 2024 - Freestate (voting continues)

    Somewhere in the Free State. Place called "Bankfontein" except apparently there is more than one 🤦🏼‍♀️ Are you bringing your '96 wine red beauty?
  6. Ri

    Bike Museum

    There's a car museum in Great Brak?! 😲
  7. Ri

    2004 WR 250 F build

    Faaarkit Dude this is stunning news! Congratulations and success for the business! 🥳🎉🙌
  8. Ri

    Bike Museum

    Dude you are literally right there
  9. Ri

    Bike Museum

    Cool cool cool! Must go see before it becomes too popular 😁
  10. Ri

    Sutherland, Soetwater Wind Farm, Karusa Wind Farm, Matjesfontein

    It's an iPhone app called MapOut. Very nifty! You can tap to draw your own routes and share, or import KML and GPX files. I loaded Mountain Passes of SA's GPX file marking every mountain pass in SA.
  11. Ri

    The DR650 thread

    Let the farkling begin 😁 @Tony the Boney and @rightless
  12. Ri

    Snake Photos

    Strange that 5 vials of anti venom had no effect! But it is really terrible news 😞
  13. Ri

    Sold My Suzuki DR650SE 2007, 55600km, R40000

    Twinsies 😆 Looking forward to seeing you on the gravel some time. Hope you enjoy many trouble free kilometres on this smoothie.
  14. Ri

    Why we (should) wear boots. WARNING VERY GRAPHIC!!!

    Ankle top sneakers? Is dit nie ook maar lap nie? Dit gaan net 'n sekonde lank die teer van jou vel afhou en waarskynlik vesel in die vlees inskuur saam met die grond en klippies 🙄😒
  15. Ri

    Sutherland, Soetwater Wind Farm, Karusa Wind Farm, Matjesfontein

    Here is a map of the area. Sutherland at the top, Verlatenkloof along the left, Matjiesfontein at the bottom. Komsberg Pass is marked with a star. You should be able to see the faint line of the gravel road that runs from the top of Verlatenkloof to Komsberg Pass and then down to Turcks Pass...
  16. Ri

    Sutherland, Soetwater Wind Farm, Karusa Wind Farm, Matjesfontein

    I can't find Soetwater Wind Farm on Google Maps, but the position of Karusa Wind Farm seems to be on the gravel road around Kom se Berg. If that's the case, it's an open road through the farms, there may be some (unlocked) farm gates. From Sutherland side, if you turn off towards Ouland...
  17. Ri

    Life in America - We made the move.

    Lucky Maggie, to be allergic to green beans...
  18. Ri

    A Strong Back: The Adventures of Tom Mc Sherry

    Yeaaaah!!! Pure Woolworths Dash 🤵🏻
  19. Ri

    n Lekker "rustige" 3 dag Amageza deur die Karoo...

    Goeie. Genade. Gelukkig het ek dit nog nooit oorgekom nie!! O wag... Maar dit was in Citrusdal op 'n snikhete Saterdag. En ja, daai R356 is nogal rof op plekke, ek het self paar keer geskrik vir die skerp klippe en slote.