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  1. Ri

    Warthog Bash 2025 (place holder post)

    I wouldn't know; all the toppies were hanging out together. If Ellie wasn't there, I wouldn't have needed to say a word the whole weekend, apart from "medium rare dankie" and "Tafel, dankie" 🤣
  2. Ri

    Warthog Bash 2025 (place holder post)

    Jy en Christa kan by ons by die Bash ook kom inloer, dan het ek en @Moondancer bietjie verfynde geselskap 👌
  3. Ri

    A day in the workshop ...
  4. Ri

    Warthog Bash 2025 (place holder post)

    Subscribed and watching!! Onthou om die besetting van @Dorsland se plaas by die beplanning in te sluit 😎
  5. Ri

    SHOW US PICS OF YOUR PETS - Poll added

    Daai oortjies 😍
  6. Ri

    A Strong Back: The Adventures of Tom Mc Sherry

    You can't tell us about your "vasbyt" and then turn your back on 4lb bass because of a few weeds. By now you're a pro weedeater!! (Perhaps that's why the General made the generous offer 🤣)
  7. Ri

    A Strong Back: The Adventures of Tom Mc Sherry

    Sounds like they work you to a standstill and when you stand still, they fire you 😅
  8. Ri

    New member Somerset West

    Hallo, welkom, dalk tyd vir 'n nuwer Bike 🤔
  9. Ri

    Down on the farm with the Bushlander

    Baie geluk en baie seën @Dorsland !! 🥳🥳🥳 Ek wou so graag kom inloer vroeër vanjaar met die Bushpig Bash by Philippolis, maar dinge het nie so uitgewerk nie. Mooi bly en lekker boer met daardie oulike woef 😄
  10. Ri

    New Member

    Hi and welcome. Don't know the Moto Pro but those DR200s are delightful on the right terrain 😁
  11. Ri

    Katie aka Pumpkin

    Congratulations Lars, great buy! May there be many more safe kms riding 👍
  12. Ri

    Frankie, back on line ...

    Hi and welcome back 👍 What if the adventure riding scene like in NZ? Sounds like an expensive endeavour to own and ride a bike there.
  13. Ri

    New to adventure riding and to the forum

    Welcome and enjoy 👍
  14. Ri

    The OOSTFIN "Sethuthuthu" Weekend, 11 - 13 October 2024

    Hier is al die bespreekte en oop kampeerplekke
  15. Ri

    A Strong Back: The Adventures of Tom Mc Sherry

    ...... 🤦🏼‍♀️..... Hou op worry. Worry gaan niks verander aan jou situasie nie behalwe om jou negatief te maak. En dit gee jou net ulcers en spierspasmas. Have a little faith. Hier is mense wat ore oophou en voelers uitsteek vir jou part. Hier sal iets wees vir jou.
  16. Ri

    The DR650SE Story [Vlakvark]

    Ware Carb Whisperers is dun gesaai.
  17. Ri

    2004 WR 250 F build

    Nice scale model of the USS Enterprise 👍🤣
  18. Ri

    A Strong Back: The Adventures of Tom Mc Sherry

    Will you be able to stay your full term? Will your back hold up? Leave the money worries until you're back in SA. Nothing you can do about that now, it is what it is. I believe something will come along in time. For now, enjoy where you are & focus on your health.
  19. Ri

    New bike day!

    Striking bike - congratulations! Enjoy responsibly and post a review please 👍