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  1. W

    Hogsback to Lady Grey

    Hey Charlie, by any chance tried out the loop?  Had lots of rain lately? Cheers
  2. W

    Mariental to Keetmans suggestions?

    Nice!!! Thanks.  Ek dink ek gaan eers by Gibeon op die gravel klim om tyd te wen vir die krater.
  3. W

    Mariental to Keetmans suggestions?

    Dit klink vir my reg dankie man!  Ek gaan sommer lunch inpak en dit geniet van die krater af, met n view oor Berseba…. dis n deel van Namibia wat ek sleg ken, so sommer letterlik n meal van dit maak!
  4. W

    Mariental to Keetmans suggestions?

    Het hom!  Is daar nie redelik sand driffies soos jy die rivier (beddings) kruis nie?  Veral tot jy die D3903 vat? Verder is die pad okay?  Ek ry met n groep en wil nie uitdagende paaie aanvat wat ek self nog nie gery het nie. Dit lyk na soe 300km.. 4 ure met stops? En ek weet nog nie waar om...
  5. W

    Mariental to Keetmans suggestions?

    Hi guys and gals I will be traveling from Mariental to Keetmans in the near future, but want to avoid the main road, B1 at all cost.  I also had my fair share of the C14, so I am looking for something new. I was think of taking the D3903 from Asab, on the western side of Brukkaros Crater...
  6. W

    Hogsback to Lady Grey

    Yes please the more routes to choose from the better!  Will pm you
  7. W

    Hogsback to Lady Grey

    Great!  That is the road that runs past Roydon, right?
  8. W

    Hogsback to Lady Grey

    Thanks, I am interested in the western side of that loop!  You live pretty much central of bike heaven, don't you!
  9. W

    Hogsback to Lady Grey

    Hi guys I will be travelling with a group of friends from Hogsback to Lady Grey, mid March. From Hogsback we will travel on the R345 gravel road towards Cathcart.  This road already can get quite slippery and muddy in the wet. From Cathcart I'm gonna stick to the N6 to Queenstown From...
  10. W

    n Lekker nat Baviaans!

  11. W

    n Lekker nat Baviaans!

    Redelik snotterig op party stukke.. ander plekke weer heel fine.
  12. W

    n Lekker nat Baviaans!

    Nog so paar
  13. W

    n Lekker nat Baviaans!

    Lanklaas wat ek hom so gesien het!  Of dalk kom ek te min daar..
  14. W

    Shark Helmet

    Price drop to R2000
  15. W

    Shark Helmet

    I've been told that I'm expecting a bit too much.  Though I think its a fair price, I will drop it to R2200.
  16. W

    2014 Bmw 1200 GS LC for Sale

    Where did you get it vinyl wrapped?  I am looking for a company in Cape Town
  17. W

    Leatt neck brace GPX Adventure 3 - SOLD

    Hi Danny.  I am not sure, but I think its a medium.  It does come with 4 different lengths of spacers, depending on your chest circum. Two other guys already in the q, I will keep you informed.