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  1. navigator

    Wilddogs @ Rallye Raid 2011

    Howzit Nige :thumleft: :thumleft: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
  2. navigator

    Ural sidecars at Rallye Raid 2011

    The Ural gang were great!! Especially at party time :thumleft:
  3. navigator

    HP2 question

    Not correct - it is part of a labyrinth of cables that keeps the parts attached to the mother ship as it inevitably rattles loose..... :pot:
  4. navigator

    Pleasant surprise - 1200 Super Tenere!!

    f@kk@f - dis 'n seriaas fred hierie - no jokes :deal: :deal: :deal:
  5. navigator

    New member in PE

    Welkom Tybo!!
  6. navigator

    New dual sporter

    Baie welkom SpankMe :thumleft:
  7. navigator

    girlie van die bos

    Enige post met die woord "girl" in werk soos 'n bom - Baie welkom Girlie!
  8. navigator

    Pleasant surprise - 1200 Super Tenere!!

    was die res van julle trip goed? SubframesOK? Het jy al die S10 se oor gedraai?
  9. navigator

    Can somebody build us a damn dual purpose bike?

    Jy praat reg Malichnus - jy praat reg...........
  10. navigator

    Pleasant surprise - 1200 Super Tenere!!

    Wortelman - wag maar. Time waits for no one.....
  11. navigator

    Pleasant surprise - 1200 Super Tenere!!

    I think they are considerably cheaper tahn a BM?? Uncle F - is that correct?
  12. navigator

    Yamaha RT100 for sale (updated price and pictures)

    Would you like to swop for a Yamaha 50cc Zinger quad in original condition. The blue one that has a body like a miniature Jeep?
  13. navigator

    *Are DS Events Cool? - Your 2 cents please...*

    I hear you CG - the same here. The beauty of the RR is that you are with your 2 or 3 mates the whole day - on your own - unless off course there is a traffic jam of sorts at a river crossing or such like. But one needs the number at those tough spots. For the rest it is basically with your...
  14. navigator

    *Are DS Events Cool? - Your 2 cents please...*

    The one thing that is under reported ito of the RR is the great home cooked food done by the local farming community - great great meals do make an event like a bash even better - if you can dish up and eat it is much better than trying to braai in an intoxicated state :laughing4: :laughing4:
  15. navigator

    Ek en my meisiekind vir 'n Ontbyt loop.

    Baie geniet Jmo - ek gaan selle doen met my dogter
  16. navigator

    Short video from the 2011 Rallye Raid

    In mud knobblies only make you think you have more traction - jy spin ook maar in jou moer in. Many guys did RR2 on Scorpions and 50/50 Mitas' and did very well with the added advantage of being able to nail it stably on tar! I cant get the video though - would love to see it!
  17. navigator

    Pleasant surprise - 1200 Super Tenere!!

    One of the nice things on the past weekend's Rallye Raid is that I was lucky enough to get a ride for about 30min on great dirt roads and jeep track here and there on the new SuperTen. I enjoyed it a lot and if I was in the market for a GS1200 I would SERIOUSLY consider at least taking the S10...
  18. navigator

    Rallye Raid – Wartrail 2011

    Great summary Splash!! Nice phot's too :thumleft: :thumleft: