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  1. OomD

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Ja maar jou vrou is reeds spoken for.
  2. OomD

    Itchy Boots - New Season

  3. OomD

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Ek gaan hoegenaamd nie ontken dat ek haar aantreklik vind nie, maar ek kyk nie eintlik haar videos nie so eintlik staan ek nie agter daai deur nie.;) En diè ouens hier wat aandring dat hulle haar nie aantreklik vind nie... wel kom ek sê maar net ek glo hulle nie. 😄
  4. OomD

    so, this happened

    Lekker bike that, well done man! May the joy last long!
  5. OomD

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Ek weet ek is so lelik dat terwyl my ma my ge-bordvoed het het sy maar oë toegeknyp en aan ander babas gedink. Maar nee, ek onderhou nie 'n youtube kanaal ter wille van kykers/ondersteuners nie, jou gooi was mis. ;)
  6. OomD

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Fixed for you. ;) Go on admit it, most would not have continued following her if it was a guy, or if she was butt ugly. Ok not butt ugly, but very ugly.
  7. OomD

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    "Ugly" and "not sexy" is not the same thing. I'm sure you get the point I made though, it's not black and white... lot's of shades grey too.
  8. OomD

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    There are other woman doing RTW trips and youtubing it, and a few guys too. Why is there no feverish following of them on this forum? Admit it, you guys are only interested in Itchy because, well, she make you itch. *** sells, even if you only dream of it.
  9. OomD

    Guess who I just bumped into ?...............Noraly

    Erken dit nou maar, Danie, ons almal hou van scalectric karre ;) 😁
  10. OomD

    Guess who I just bumped into ?...............Noraly

    Sjoe die mense raak kort van draad hier na die einde vd jaar se kant toe. Klink my ons almal kan doen met 'n lekker, lang ride.
  11. OomD

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Tensy die gesukkel voorheen net ter bate van die kykers was, en sy kan dalk gemaklik hierdie bike optel... maar dat dit steeds gaan lyk of sy moerse sukkel.
  12. OomD

    Electric vehicles. Wow. Just wow!

    Tensy jy 'n 400V DC charger by jou huis het sal hy moet oorslaap! 😁
  13. OomD

    Electric vehicles. Wow. Just wow!

    Oh wait I see now, it's wH/km...not per 100km.
  14. OomD

    Electric vehicles. Wow. Just wow!

    No something's wrong there. My car goes close to 100kWh/100km if I floor it. You're doing >220kmh on 400Wh? I think you're car's missing a zero in the numbers.
  15. OomD

    Electric vehicles. Wow. Just wow!

    243Wh/100km, not kWh? Were you being towed?
  16. OomD

    Electric vehicles. Wow. Just wow!

    Looks lekker! I'm seriously battling to get my consumption below 20kWh/100km. For the last few weeks I've avoided the highway during my commute and I no longer drive like a hooligan - it has made a marked difference, but I'm still on an average of 21kWh/100L. Granted that kWh is measured by...
  17. OomD

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Ja en hulle kan blykbaar baat by 'n boosterplug!
  18. OomD

    Life in New Zealand - The move has been made...

    Yes and if you don't shave them then they keep you nice and warm in winter too.😋
  19. OomD

    Itchy Boots - New Season

    Wonder hoe lank voor sy dié een in 2 breek.
  20. OomD

    A classic mini clubman, and time on my hands.

    Ek het eenkeer 'n swaksiende meisie gehad. Sy't vir my gesê ek het die grootste een wat sy nog ooit gevoel het! Ek't vir haar gesê, “Jy trek my been!”.