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  1. Hollywood

    Footpeg Diaries

    Its on the Northern edge of deWildt. Some guys call it Menlyn shop. GPX waypoint attached
  2. Hollywood

    Footpeg Diaries

    Ons gaan nog verseker nog in PE kom draai. Hierdie show gaan net opYoutube wees, al offer die TV my hoeveel geld! Die corporate politiek maak my moerig, en ek het nie lus om volgens 'n TV kanaal se bemarkings strategie, WOKE vereistes en gatgrille die show te sensuur nie. Soos die ou grappie...
  3. Hollywood

    Footpeg Diaries

    Runner Het weggehardloop toe die kameras by die shop opdaag... hys maar sku as dit by kiekies kom.
  4. Hollywood

    Footpeg Diaries

    Hi @Noneking. Thanx for waching! We made the first 4 Episodes with zero budget, just as a proof of concept. Hopefully we can spice it up with a lot more extra features as the sponsors come in. 2nd Episode coming in 2 weeks time. Sent from my SM-G780F using Tapatalk
  5. Hollywood

    Richtersveld exploration

    Are you planning on doing it with your GS? That will determine your routes, as there are rather deep sandy sections waiting to swallow a heavy bike...
  6. Hollywood

    Monantsa Loop in Lesotho - Are the borders open for this one?

    There are indeed other methods... as long as you dont mind not having an EXIT stamp in your Passport. There are plenty river crossings....
  7. Hollywood

    Dodging kangaroos, borders and Sheila’s

    Waa's jy nou met jou stinknuwe skoeter, meneer Webb?? Ek hoop jy't vannaand opvangs dat jy ietsie kan post. SA vlag en Tyres... nes mens dink jy het daai goed hier gelos... Mooi ry maat!
  8. Hollywood

    Where has your bike taken you today?

    ... oor presies 8 weke en 2 ure, staan my bike ook daar....
  9. Hollywood

    Where has your bike taken you today?

    Aggenee, Noneking ... Nou is jy net aspris!!
  10. Hollywood

    Where has your bike taken you today?

    Jy ry wyd.... Sent from my SM-G780F using Tapatalk
  11. Hollywood

    Sunrise Scramble

    It was lekker!! As per usual, it ended with some anti-inflammatory medication being dispensed.... ai...
  12. Hollywood

    Sunrise Scramble

    I even trimmed a mustache!! I feel like a 70ties Bank Robber.
  13. Hollywood

    Sunrise Scramble

    See you there. It's my first Sunrise Scramble. I'm trying to be less of a knorrige dusty old poepol, and broadening my horizon... so I'm dressing like a City Hipster - These Triumph guys seem to always wear check shirts and rolled-up skinny jeans....
  14. Hollywood

    Collective RR - Namibia Tour June 2021 with Specialized Adventures

    Ha!! en oor 2 maande ry jy weer saam met 'n Honda die Richtersveld in... al daai kak weer van voor af... Ai.
  15. Hollywood

    Honda Quest 2021

    Ja, hy sal. Ons moes gister en vandag eers die laaste logistiek vasmaak. Vannaand antwoord ek die e-mails met reëlings.  Sien uit daarna om almal daar te sien! Sent from my SM-G780F using Tapatalk
  16. Hollywood

    Collective RR - Namibia Tour June 2021 with Specialized Adventures

    YASLAAIK!!! What a trip! I seriously wish I was riding along... Looking at Rickus drifting "Oorlog" through the sand and man-handling it up Heartbreak hill just makes me even greener with envy. Spiere Spanmaat! Thanks to all for the Great Report.
  17. Hollywood

    The Husky that wouldn't die and other "Kleinigheidjies" in Ovahimbaland

    Aaaahh.... dís mos nou iets om na uit te sien! Jislaaik @Hardy de Kock, nadat ons my trip 3 keer na mekaar moes uitstel, lees ek maar met swaarigheid... ek het toevallig vandag na daai NamibAir vouchers en uitstel e-mails gekyk. Bliksems. Ek volg opgewonde. Sent from my SM-G780F using Tapatalk
  18. Hollywood

    Nam4x4 and Richtersveld, ala Losper special

    Hoennervleisbikerywêreld!!!!! I'm following with huge nostalgia
  19. Hollywood

    How we got "cheated" on Verneukpan

    Ai. Die trane loop sterk. Baie sterkte vir jou, Zander, en die hele gesin. Julle is 'n baken van hoop en 'n inspirerende voorbeeld vir mense wat julle nie eers ken nie. Sent from my SM-G780F using Tapatalk
  20. Hollywood

    2020 Honda Quest

    [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787] .... dik duime op ʼn klein selfoon keyboard. Dis baie funny. Ek gaan dit net so los.