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  1. Kelevra

    The not-so-handy handyman and other randomness

    Sit die vet in die vrieskas todat dit lekker hard is (nie gevries nie) dan sny jy hom baie makliker in klein blokkies.
  2. Kelevra

    Your bike perchance?

    Verstaan dit ook nie, hulle le dan tjoepstil en is boonop vasgemaak ook  :eek7:
  3. Kelevra

    Bikers ignoring a fellow biker down

    Ja, en moenie vergeet om vir die ou te lag en hom te vertel hy kannie bike ry nie.
  4. Kelevra

    Kawasaki Z H2 ... No <50!!!

    I imagine, like in the movies, that thing will transform into this?
  5. Kelevra

    KTM 950SE

    Limited number available in SA. Goeie ou vraag en aanbod. EKN 101
  6. Kelevra

    The not-so-handy handyman and other randomness

    I am busy building a reloading table, I used 50mm square tubing for the legs. I bought one of these yesterday to try it out. Short answer, don't bother.
  7. Kelevra

    CR 500 2001 for sale

    Where is the Eastern Cape Benoni? I would like to come and have a look.
  8. Kelevra

    Look what I found

    Gaan jy hulle ook strip en mooi maak?  :ricky:
  9. Kelevra

    Yamaha T7 - No longer a Concept

    That thing sounds like my old washing machine on spin cycle  :pot:
  10. Kelevra

    The not-so-handy handyman and other randomness

    Jy kan mos daai ekstra pyp bo die "shaft" afsny en vir iets anders gebruik?
  11. Kelevra

    Debate from Ride Report about Eco impact

    Its all about dynamic efficiency and inter-temporal fairness, in the end the average human is a selfish parasite!
  12. Kelevra

    How to separate exhaust pieces?

    Draai hom, twee bobbejaan spanners (sit net lappies om sodat jy nie die pyp krap nie) as hy eers skiet gegee het gaan dit vinnig.
  13. Kelevra

    06 KTM 990

  14. Kelevra

    Who can manufacture this for me? Preferably in JHB

    Turn the plate around and use the bottom 4 holes? I think the shaft on the Xramp needs to go through so the way you are holding it now the plate would not allow for that?
  15. Kelevra

    Exporting a bike - advice needed

    Begin in Nelspruit, head north, enjoy.  :pot:
  16. Kelevra

    This is why Ganjora is down....

    I would like to know how many of these drivers are from Mozambique, this is exactly how the drive in Maputo. You have to wait 10 seconds after green before you dare to cross.
  17. Kelevra

    Where has your bike taken you near water recently?

    Another one for you. Morgans Bay, Eastern Cape
  18. Kelevra

    Where has your bike taken you near water recently?

    Marshstrand, Eastern Cape
  19. Kelevra

    990 - WWYD

    Ag nee man, as die 990 te veel vir jou is gaan kyk hier  :pot:
  20. Kelevra

    Do you have a rare or collectible motorcycle ?

    I can tell you why not  :peepwall: