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  1. masehare

    SOLD FS: BMW F800GS, 2017

    I had a request for pics of the indicator switches and throttle. Flash-on pictures makes every little bit of dirt stand out like a sore thumb  :)
  2. masehare

    SOLD FS: BMW F800GS, 2017

    Bump, price drop.
  3. masehare

    SOLD FS: BMW F800GS, 2017

    Bump, price drop.
  4. masehare

    Xt600e stolen Pretoria

    Same thing happened to Butch with his 990 a couple of years ago in Melkbos (I think). Luckily they found the bike in a bush not far from where it was stolen. So always worth driving around and checking the local bushy spots if your bike is stolen.
  5. masehare

    (SOLD) FS: 2-Bike trailer

    Kaboef , yup, ek is more by die huis. Ek sttur vir jou 'n PM.
  6. masehare

    SOLD FS: BMW F800GS, 2017

    Bump, price drop.
  7. masehare

    (SOLD) FS: 2-Bike trailer

    Still for sale. Bump. I seemed to have missed some posts - my work VPN blocks the Wilddogs site now and then.
  8. masehare

    Can One "Adventurise" a CRF 230 F (If Roadworthy)...??

    As jy dink aan met sprockets speel vir 'n hoër top end, onthou dis 'n trade-off - die bike gaan dan baie sleg trek en jy gaan heel moontlik sukkel as jy by sand uitkom omdat die torque weg is.
  9. masehare

    Shaun Dickens - Bike Sellers Beware

    As die ou nie krimineel vervolg word nie, move hy net aan en pleeg bedrog elders. 'n Luiperd se kolletjies verander nie. Ons lees mos elke dag sulke stories in die Huisgenoot. As dit my besigheid was het ek myself so ver as moontlik van die ou gedistansieer. Tensy hy dirt op my het....
  10. masehare

    (SOLD) FS: 2-Bike trailer

    I'm not really sure how to measure axle length, but wheel to wheel it's 1.5m. Inner dimensions of the trailer is 1.2m x 2m.
  11. masehare

    (SOLD) FS: 2-Bike trailer

    I'll get that for you ASAP.
  12. masehare

    (SOLD) FS: 2-Bike trailer

    For sale: Homebuilt 2-bike trailer. All papers in order and licensing current. The leaf springs (750kg) and tyres were replaced about two years ago. R3500, Helderberg area. Christo, zero798788299
  13. masehare

    SOLD FS: BMW F800GS, 2017

    Bump and some pics of the tyre tread.
  14. masehare

    SOLD FS: BMW F800GS, 2017

    Dankie. Ek dink die kamera speel 'n bietjie tricks in die son. Die bike is meestal swart.
  15. masehare

    SOLD FS: BMW F800GS, 2017

    Yup, the previous owner replaced the rim.
  16. masehare

    SOLD FS: BMW F800GS, 2017

    For sale - BMW F800GS TU (Technical Update model), 2017, 45100 kms. R90 000. - All services done at BMW. - Both tyres still good. - Isotta high screen. Original screen still available. - 2 x oil service kit included. - 1 x extra 2nd hand front tyre included. - Blemish on panel left of the seat...
  17. masehare

    GS 800 A vs GS 1200......Weight/Handling

    Ek het 'n 1150ADV gehad en het nou 'n plein 800GS. Die 1150 het meer solid gevoel op die teerpad, maar die 800 voel stukke beter op grondpad. Dit voel asof die gewigsverskil (iemand het gesê 209kg vir die 800) plus die 21" voorwiel die meeste verskil gemaak het.
  18. masehare

    Flooded bike...

    4-stroke or 2-stroke bike?
  19. masehare

    Stark Future- electric MX bike

    Maar niemand gaan weet terwyl jy Kogelberg natuurreservaat op-tear nie  ;)