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  1. jaybiker


    I keep a record of major expenditures in the form of keeping receipts much too long until they become clutter and I throw them out. Otherwise I keep meticulous records of maintenance done, parts used. and mileage, but not prices paid for oil, filters, and brake pads etc. not even tyres. As for...
  2. jaybiker

    That lighter bike.

    Brand new bike on gravel? I dunno. Well....maybe...after it's not so new any more :unsure:
  3. jaybiker

    Vstrom 250 sx feedback please

    Can't quote specs right now and can't be bothered to look them up, but I'm sure that when I read about the 250 V Strom some time ago, my first thought was at that weight, you might just as well have the 650 version, there's so little difference.
  4. jaybiker

    That lighter bike.

    If I had misgivings before, now Dan's quip about changing the 'J' to a 'G' is something that had never entered my mind. "I think I'd better think it out again" :oops:
  5. jaybiker

    That lighter bike.

    So, my beautiful 3cyl Triumph 1050 is gone :cry: And with it has gone the trepidation every time I battled to wheel it backwards out of the garage or wobble through the traffic crawl of robots and stop streets. Also gone, that wickedly seductive surge, and giving an earful of Yoshimuira to those...
  6. jaybiker

    Chilly rides....

    The good old days were the best of times, but the winter morning commute was the worst of times! Pre full face helmets, and of course no screen or fairing because that just wasn't the rocker style. The trouble was the thick early morning fog which meant you couldn't use a visor or goggles, so it...
  7. jaybiker

    Lighter Bike - Yes or No??

    Yeah, lighter bike, got to happen for sure. Can't keep paying for expensive plastic repairs after dropping my bike in the garage because my muscles have atrophied. Or coming to a wobbly halt at robots and stop signs focussing on planting my feet wide and firm to avoid falling on the car stopped...
  8. jaybiker

    2025 BMW GSA 1300 launched

    You see, humankind just never learn from Their observations. What happened to all the mammoths? They sank into the marshes because they were too frikkin heavy.
  9. jaybiker

    2025 BMW GSA 1300 launched

    But why do you want to access the mechanical and electrical parts for maintenance? Never mind all that, just look at all the lovely new plastic bits we've added! 😍
  10. jaybiker

    Just beautiful bikes - designs, mods and graphics

    Well, Harley did climb into bed with another Wop manufacturer for a while, Aermachi so who knows maybe they also had a brief flirtation with MV Agusta?
  11. jaybiker

    Just beautiful bikes - designs, mods and graphics

    Erm, that Harley V4. Yeah, Harley did make a V4 prototype but that bike in the pic isn't it. That's a straight inline motor, unless my poor old eyes have finally gone totally wonky. 😵‍💫
  12. jaybiker

    Wrist problems.

    Just caught up with the thread. Best of luck with the outcome, Dan.
  13. jaybiker

    Plastic Panels - Respray

    I can concur about the ridiculous price for a minor plastic repair and respray. My Triumph "fell over" in the garage and now I have to pay up for a professional job because I have to sell it. No choice, on the brink of turning 80 I just don't have the muscles to handle it any more. But...
  14. jaybiker

    Oil Change - Hot or Cold Engine

    I wonder how many workshops or dealers drain oil out of a customer's bike that's cold after standing and waiting it's turn for a service? :unsure: And how many bother tipping the bike this way and that, and all the other tricks to get out the last dregs?
  15. jaybiker

    Saturday morning assh*le

    For how long now have WD's been trying that particular tactic? It doesn't work 🥱
  16. jaybiker

    Biker Down- how does it affect you?

    It's brought back a long forgotten memory from when I was just a wee laaitie. There was a traffic circle, we called it a roundabout, smack in the middle of our village and our house was right next to it. One summer's evening there was a horrendous grinding of metal and a crash. we all rushed out...
  17. jaybiker

    Biker Down- how does it affect you?

    I don't normally dwell very much on thoughts about accidents, but reading this thread must have affected me because instead of moving on I've sat here for about 10 minutes in sober contemplation about some that I've known - too many to remember - and all the possible implications. Now I must...
  18. jaybiker

    Swartberg pass blocked

    How many riders 'en masse' with enough big levers would it take to shove the whole rig over the side?:unsure:
  19. jaybiker

    The Internet thinks you are on the wrong bike

    Not for anyone to tell another that they are on the wrong bike. I only tell that to myself. 😏
  20. jaybiker

    Criminals targeting motorcyclists on the R300 and N2 in Cape Town

    Perhaps a silly suggestion, I don't know, but, fire blanks? They don't know they are blanks. Or, pillion with a kattie?