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  1. Peter Vee

    Which boots to buy???

    The BMW GS Rally Pro boots are supposedly made by Forma ... I paid R4995 for the Forma Dominator TX boots... squeek? will let you know when I can walk properly  :biggrin: Pete
  2. Peter Vee

    Which boots to buy???

    After a lot of research and then trying to find stock I bought myself a pair of Forma Dominator TX boots from Linex Yamaha.... very chuffed with ankle protection etc ... cant wait to try them out. Cheers, Pete
  3. Peter Vee

    Africa Twin tool tubes

    Ping Cheetah on the forums here for tooltubes... he makes them. My AT came with SW Motech crashbars, not sure where they can be purchased. Enjoy your AT Pete
  4. Peter Vee

    So Have this Newly arrived in my Garage What next

    Dave, Drain and replace oil, replace plug, drain / strip and clean carb, check fuel line and all rubber bits for perishing / replace as required, then start... easier to work back from that as there will be less variables to eliminate in no start situation :biggrin: XR 500R Noddy guide here...
  5. Peter Vee

    BARGAIN !!! XR 650 R 2003 for sale Bargain for !!! R35 000

    Hmmm... I bought this XR L 6 months after it was posted here by Runner and also didn't sell. Check your PM Pete
  6. Peter Vee

    Help with ATGATT

    Take some time to work through the ATGATT Advisory / injury database, pinned at the top of Clothing and Gear sub-forum... should show up need for certain bits of atgatt and good insights ito boots etc Happy shopping Pete
  7. Peter Vee

    Which Matrass

    Started off by going the minimalist route and used a Karromor camping mat, made out of eva foam, easy to roll up and lightweight.. but jirrr it was moer uncomfortable and a killer for my back.  Since bought a self inflating mattress from ODW, used on 2 trips since and works a treat... about...
  8. Peter Vee

    S10 Pictures

    Hoog tyd  >:D
  9. Peter Vee

    S10 Pictures

    2015 options include this new colour scheme - from Intermot Bike Show - October 2014...
  10. Peter Vee

    2012 Yamaha Super Tenere ******SOLD******

    Thanks for delivery Clarence..  pleasure doing business with you. Pete
  11. Peter Vee

    crf 450 for sale

    Gooi pictures please. Tnx Pete
  12. Peter Vee

    FS XR500RE 1984. SOLD

    Hi Folks, I had a riding buddy in PE check out this XR and he gave it a glowing report; was looking at it for my son who has since convinced me to get him/us a crf450. Ps - have done business with Barry before and was impressed; whoever takes this bike will score, I would not sell it ;)...
  13. Peter Vee

    FS XR500RE 1984. SOLD

    Will send PM Tnx Pete
  14. Peter Vee

    Wanted- Pro Taper Fat bars and adaptors

    Check your messages today Norbes. Pete
  15. Peter Vee

    FS XR500RE 1984. SOLD

    Damm thats nice!!! and I was sleeping... 3rd dibbs please Pete
  16. Peter Vee

    2012 Yamaha Super Tenere ******SOLD******

    Thanks, that black bike is a Honda Africa Twin with Boano rally kit. Cheers, Pete
  17. Peter Vee

    2012 Yamaha Super Tenere ******SOLD******

    Hey patience man... wait for the new family pic Dave  :ricky:
  18. Peter Vee

    2012 Yamaha Super Tenere ******SOLD******

    I'm smiling... my laaities are having to shuffle bikes around to sort parking  :biggrin:
  19. Peter Vee

    Rear shock question

    Agree Piet.. have been impressed with SuperFoxi responses time... need to get my AT's rear shock/spring to him for refurb/ beefing up