Thanks for the input Welsh. I was on a trip when it happened near Standerton and a guy at a bike shop there tried to fix it with Pratley Wonda Fix (Car) which held for quite a while (about 2000km). Will give the Pratley Putty a go.
Anyone knows of someone that do plastic welding on fuel tanks?
I lost a bolt on my exhaust which resulted in a small hole burning into the 690's tank.
I am in Pretoria.
Engels of Afrikaans, gee nie 'n snars om nie MAAR baie dankie dat julle wel onderskrifte bygevoeg het - ek is so doof soos 'n Russiese Rietrot en dit is die enigste manier wat ek gemaklik kan byhou.....Do zo voort
You are referring to the R628/R734 and the De Wagendrift Road?
Motorcycles are allowed on these roads, you get a ticket at the boom you enter to use at the exit boom.
Weather depending myself and Gabes would like to tag along if it is ok.
KTM 690 and GSA 1200. We are coming from Roodeplaat and will meet up where OomD will be waiting.
Lekker OomD.....! Is self nou al vir paar maande gerehabiliteer na 'n 690 toe (2018) en geniet hom kan baie. Behalwe miskien vir daai saal.....kan baie langer op 'n harde kroegstoel sit.....
Posting on behalf of a member here Gabes
O'Neal Sierra II Helmet.
With Pin Lock
Size: XXL (63-64cm)
Helmet was used 3 times. Too small for him and have since bought a new helmet.
As new
O'Neal Rider Boots
Size: UK 13 / US 14 / Euro 48
Used once but too uncomfortable (yes, he is a big...
Ek het so ding as jy hom dalk wil probeer en hier by my kan optel - of dalk iemand wat naweek FS bash toe gaan vra om dit te kom optel en saam te bring. Is huidig in Pta, naby Roodeplaat.