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  1. philgil


    Thanks for sharing.. Very nice RR. Wish my boss was more understanding  :biggrin:
  2. philgil

    Taking my dad on his last ride

    Really cool RR. Thanks for sharing. Your Dad would be proud of you.  :thumleft:
  3. philgil

    XT660 Z - Owners group

    Hi Gstry Tell us more about your storage mod.
  4. philgil

    OK , Now i need the WD help in deciding!!

    The Tenere is a great bike, but short legs will be a disadvantage. I think the perfect bike for you sounds like a XT 660R  :biggrin:
  5. philgil

    Hilton Heaven

    Good point...What do you do for a living?  ???
  6. philgil

    New on the forum

    Nice bike. :thumleft: Welcome
  7. philgil

    KZN Heaven 18 December.

    Haha LGF... I was too busy trying to keep my bike upright to take photos.
  8. philgil

    KZN Heaven 18 December.

    Ja, but was not only the river that fell.  :) Did you see the size of those rocks that we had to ride over? :eek7:
  9. philgil

    Long, Fast & Lekker - 480 km's of Kzn heaven

    Sorry Badger I should have appended my pictures here, but actually started a post and pawned it a couple of times. Great ride... :ricky:
  10. philgil

    KZN Heaven 18 December.

    And a few more!!  :)
  11. philgil

    KZN Heaven 18 December.

    Some more pics
  12. philgil

    KZN Heaven 18 December.

    Some pics.
  13. philgil

    KZN Heaven 18 December.

    OK, my first attempt at a RR, so please bear with me. Started the day by leaving Yellowwood Park at 5 am to meet with my new friends at Shongweni Garage at 5:30. Met Badger and Mrs Badger, Ezzbee and Mrs Ezzbee, Lamo, Brendon, Navi, Tim and Keith. After introductions, rode on tar until...
  14. philgil

    Long, Fast & Lekker - 480 km's of Kzn heaven

    Brilliant Badger... Thanks for the RR... I composed 1 as well, but being a nube, noob,, newbie, managed to pawn it. First time complained that my pictures were too big, and when I resized, complained that I had already submitted. Will try again though.
  15. philgil

    Happy Christmas ! From myself , To myself .

    Does it have Christmas bells?  :thumleft: Very naaice!
  16. philgil

    Kzn ride- Sat 18th- Long, fast and lekker-Ashburton/Howick/Mooi River/Kranskop.

    Gunda - We have the same bike, but you think its going to be too fast and too far? Hmmm... Am I biting off something too big to chew here?
  17. philgil

    Kzn ride- Sat 18th- Long, fast and lekker-Ashburton/Howick/Mooi River/Kranskop.

    Is that the "Polo Pony" garage? situated between the N3 and the old Highway? If so, I'll see you there before 5:30.