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  1. M

    2011 Yamaha XT1200Z Super Tenere - FOR SALE

    Never mind, saw the price of a new one yesterday, may as well get a new one...
  2. M

    2011 Yamaha XT1200Z Super Tenere - FOR SALE

    I'm seriously interested in that Leatt GPX Adventure 3 brace if its still available ? Are they pretty much a 1 size fits all ?
  3. M

    Sat 21st KZN Dawgs ride

    Bad weekend for me, wife and I are planning some time off for a few days. We should plan something with a bit of a crowd and mix it up with plastics and DS bikes, always good to have a nice mix, makes for good scouting of tricky looking routes where turning the DS bikes around may be...
  4. M

    Sat 21st KZN Dawgs ride

    In basecamp just save the track log as a gpx file, or view the track in google earth from basecamp and save the kml file from there. Will pm you my email addy. If it makes it easier, pop over for a coffee sometime soon with your foretrex and I can retrieve it from there :)
  5. M

    Sat 21st KZN Dawgs ride

    If you have basecamp or mapsource you can save the track log and email to me or alternately you can show me the route some day soon, would love to do it on the plastic. Give me a shout sometime and we can plan a little excursion. Oh ate too ate fife fife ate tree nyne tree
  6. M

    Sat 21st KZN Dawgs ride

    Fantastic stuff guys, so sorry I missed it. Would have been good to have another 660Z there to back Offside up, those XR's are like pack animals :) Also glad to see it's not just me who takes unscheduled naps on rides ;) Did anyone get a GPS Track Log of the ride ? I'd love to go exploring the...
  7. M

    Tablet 7" as GPS

    I put my iPad in the transparent top compartment of my tank bag. Touch screen still works and visibility is good. Well protected there in case of the average gravel road spill. My 2c :)
  8. M

    XT660 Z - Owners group

    waaaaahahahahahahahaha :D
  9. M

    Sat 21st KZN Dawgs ride

    Sorry guys, would absolutely have loved to join this ride. :( I have however contracted the dreaded lurgy and can hardly walk at the moment, never mind ride. A huge pity, this sounds likes its going to be great fun :(
  10. M

    KZN - Down and Up, and Up and Down - Ngilanyoni; Mkomazi

    Wow, I smell a ride in our near future. seems there's lots to see around there :)
  11. M

    KZN - Down and Up, and Up and Down - Ngilanyoni; Mkomazi

    Should be an easy ride for Newbies without the 2 mentioned obstacles. its just worth noting that the last section onto the mountain may prove challenging if the grass is still long as the ruts on the tweespoor weren't visible and could catch some people out. We may also have to find a way around...
  12. M

    KZN - Down and Up, and Up and Down - Ngilanyoni; Mkomazi

    How about I join you with the Fortuner, should suffice as a backup / tow vehicle if needed :) The misses being a butcher I'm sure I can contribute a little red meat for the Weber too....
  13. M


    Get a USB cigarette lighter adapter. the GPS has a 5V USB input for power. 12V will do some serious damage to the GPS IMHO I got one of these from A1 Radio in Durban cheap and it works a treat on my iPhone, iPad...
  14. M

    KZN - Down and Up, and Up and Down - Ngilanyoni; Mkomazi

    Too true. time to use a little financial persuasion then, I do need a new jacket and pants and gloves and helmet and and and.... ;)
  15. M

    KZN - Down and Up, and Up and Down - Ngilanyoni; Mkomazi

    Hehe, had a great trip thanks. Planning on popping in there by you this week to tell all and shop for a few farkles ;)
  16. M

    KZN - Down and Up, and Up and Down - Ngilanyoni; Mkomazi

    Thanks once again GG for a great ride and another unexpected adventure. That was a really great ride and a fantastic opportunity to test out the new suspension. Test Results: Passed, with flying colours Those 2 detours turned out to be great even if they were a little challenging. I even got...
  17. M

    XT660 Z - Owners group

    My understanding is that the dealers can only set the O2 levels at idle, so your bike will definitely run lean at some point. Cheap solution, get Kev's fuel mod from (there was a post a page or 2 back about it) or alternately, go with the Power Commander. In my experience, the Power...
  18. M

    KZN - Sat 14th - Mkomazi valley - Ngilanyoni ?

    Track looks great :) can't wait to ride again, been missing the gravel/dirt :(
  19. M

    KZN - Sat 14th - Mkomazi valley - Ngilanyoni ?

    have you got a spare pair of those fancy slippers that I destroyed last time ? wouldn't want to ruin another pair :)
  20. M

    KZN - Sat 14th - Mkomazi valley - Ngilanyoni ?

    Perfect, see you there  :thumleft: