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  1. M

    Should I buy a KDX200?

    Thanks to everyone for all the helpful comments. Armed with the information I now have I think my mind is made up  :thumleft:
  2. M

    Should I buy a KDX200?

    Ive got my heart set on a 2nd bike, more specifically a plastic for the weekends when my mates want to play rough and the 660z is just too heavy. Been looking at some KDX200's and have seen some good examples and some really bad. Loving the idea of a 2 stroke for its pure simplicity and fun...
  3. M

    KZN - Back to the Valley for some pics.

    Here's a few from the GoPro. There is a distinct fisheye effect from the lens in photo mode but nothing photoshop can't cure with lens correction. Quality is good but not great but low light performance was poor when on the move. You can view the entire set here if you like...
  4. M

    KZN - Back to the Valley for some pics.

    ah, yes, they all came out, just trying to filter the good ones from the bad. Will get some posted later today. Sorry for the delay :(
  5. M

    Requests for firmware changes - Garmin 62s

    62s freezing appears to be a widely reported problem. many unconfirmed reports stated that it has something to do with custom POI's. Mine used to freeze within 10 minutes of a trip starting when I have all the road safety POI's loaded. Removed them and haven't had a freeze since....
  6. M

    KZN - Back to the Valley for some pics.

    Thanks guys for the ride and the awesome company. Thanks GG for allowing me to be in your corner, so to speak. Tinus, was great to meet you and those are some really great pics. Jeff, great to see you and ride with you again, thanks so much for showing us the viewpoint from the farm :) I've...
  7. M

    KZN - So shall I go a little further than the Spar on Sunday ?

    Excellent, GG see you at 5:45 am at fairways, we can take the back route to kloof on the M19. Looking forward to it. Tinus, looking forward to meeting you. Thanks for the pm.
  8. M

    KZN - So shall I go a little further than the Spar on Sunday ?

    Absolutely, how about fairway motors opposite crusaders at 6am or 5:45 ?
  9. M

    KZN - So shall I go a little further than the Spar on Sunday ?

    Sounds great to me. I'll bring the coffee :)
  10. M

    KZN - So shall I go a little further than the Spar on Sunday ?

    Sounds good to me, and woosie mode is no problem.  Post some tracks you're comfortable with and we can just choose one on the day. Should we do an early one and catch the sunrise over the dam? Maybe a snack at the pot & kettle ?
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    KZN - So shall I go a little further than the Spar on Sunday ?

    how about a little skirt around the dam ? I'll play follow the leader. need to test my RAM mount and my GoPro :)
  12. M

    260Km trip to the local Spar - via Mtunzini.

    Nice one GG, good to see you back in the saddle again
  13. M

    how to find a co-ordinate when using Garmap on a Mac computer....

    I got a Basecamp update on my Mac on Friday. I never checked before, but the new version has a Locate Coordinates option (cmd key and L) under the Find menu. I pasted the co-ords in there from google maps (Decimal Format) for my house and it converted them accordingly and found the address...
  14. M

    62s Question, ping Gunda

    Update: Just tried an experiment after some banter with the folks at Garmin. According to them, most new devices such as the Oregon, Dakota and 62S, even the 4 digit NUVI's have a new system for reading maps. These devices will recognise ANY .IMG file in the garmin folder on both internal...
  15. M

    KZN - 1.2Km tar trip to the local Spar.

    Good luck, let me know if you need a support vehicle or crew ;)
  16. M

    Requests for firmware changes - Garmin 62s

    Thanks, time for a visit to Gear Up :)
  17. M

    62s Question, ping Gunda

    ooooh, I see, are you wanting to be able to switch between them on the device ? When loading maps from Mapsource or Mapinstall, all the maps you select are placed into 1 GMAPSUPP.IMG file on the device and appear as one map set on the device. I have merged my T4A and DEM maps in this way. I...
  18. M

    Requests for firmware changes - Garmin 62s

    I agree on both points. better battery detection algorithms would be appreciated too, I've had to change my battery type in the settings manually a few times :( Gunda, may I ask where you got your RAM mount or how you have yours mounted ? I've been struggling to source a RAM mount for mine...