Requests for firmware changes - Garmin 62s

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Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Kymco (all models)
I have never sent out a "request for change" to Garmin, but I would like to suggest a few changes to the unit firmware future releases.

But I don't want to send a request if it is just me being dof, so let me bounce them off you guys.

1. If the machine loses satellite signal, and the USB power goes off, the machine should shut down.

When I arrive at work, the satellite signal is lost in the basement, and the unit throws up a dialog, which stays on the screen even if the power goes off. The result is that if you don't answer the dialog and simply leave the bike/car the batteries go flat.

The "power lost, shutting down . . " dialog should take precedence over any other dialogue.

2. Track navigation is cumbersome. When navigating a track there should be "To Beginning", "To end" or "Choose point" options.

My old Foretrex had the option of choosing to navigate "To End" or "to beginning" of a track. A track could be navigated in either direction.

The eTrex legend took it a step further and allowed you to choose a point anywhere on the track and navigate to that point along the track and it would show Distance to, ETA at, Time to, etc along the track.

I would like to see both ways of navigating a track implemented on the 62s, or is there a way to do this I don't know?  