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  1. 1KAT

    For my mental health I will build a bike

    Yeah, u have had a spate of bad luck with the bikes :(  but i gotta say i love ur tenacity J, u love ur bikes so much & u just get on with the next project, good on u :thumleft:
  2. 1KAT

    Another Great Overberg ride

    Did u guys ride the mountain trail route that we came down (Canola w.end) the other way round?  That must have been interesting :biggrin:
  3. 1KAT

    Had a big accident yesterday...

    Sheez Martin, sorry to hear, just glad ur okay & that ur dad was nearby to help u out. Hope u not too sore & u get better quickly ;) Btw saw ur whole family on bikes past saturday @ blouberg beach, looked really cool seeing u all enjoying the beautiful weather we had
  4. 1KAT

    Living the Dos Sertoes Dream: Racing 4,500km across Brazil

    Brilliant stuff, love reading this :thumleft: so hope we get to meet u in Cape Town ;)
  5. 1KAT

    The Legend of Baviaanskloof: The Ride Report

    very nice RR & trip u guys did.....good photos as well.  enjoyed reading this :thumleft:
  6. 1KAT

    The Dos Sertões evening in Slaapstad IS ON - See you there!!

    I will be there :thumleft:
  7. 1KAT

    Living the Dos Sertoes Dream: Racing 4,500km across Brazil

    Would be gr8 if u could get 2 do a talk & slideshow here, will definately be there  :thumleft:
  8. 1KAT

    Mitas tyre application guide

    :laughing4: yeah imagine that, going nowhere very slowly ;D
  9. 1KAT

    Dads and Sons - First Trip

    Very special times 2 share with ur kids, really lekka :thumleft:
  10. 1KAT

    Overberg ride Sunday 12/09. 8:30am Peregrine/Grabouw next to N2.

    Would love 2 ride with u guys & the man in the 4 x 4 :biggrin: but i have my kids this w.end. Next time.. Have fun all of u :thumleft:
  11. 1KAT

    280km of dirt around Swellendam

    shit that bikes HOT :drif:
  12. 1KAT

    Are You having and AFFAIR ---?

    I even popped into KTM @ lunchtime yesterday just 2 see Katie (having a service) - didnt recognize her cause she was so clean 4 a change ;D
  13. 1KAT

    Mitas tyre application guide

    Thx 4 that info.. :thumleft:
  14. 1KAT

    Mitas tyre application guide

    Also rear E09 (wicked looking tyre), does that come in 140/80/18?  again, what is price?
  15. 1KAT

    Vleisfees and beyond.

    Really stunning pic's, love the Doringkraal, Kamiesberge, Kamassies area, roads look great also 2 ride! look forward 2 rest of ur report
  16. 1KAT

    Mitas tyre application guide

    quite a wait hey & all the riding 2 be done in between :)  my front will just have 2 wait then b4 changing if price is right
  17. 1KAT

    Mitas tyre application guide

    thx MrH! Also rear E09 (wicked looking tyre), does that come in 140/80/18?  again, what is price ??? i love my michelin dessert rear & karoo metzler front combo but if these are avail & cheaper, would like 2 try them out
  18. 1KAT

    Mitas tyre application guide

    There are so many pages 2 read here, does the E10 front come in 90/90/21 ??? if so, what is the price please
  19. 1KAT

    Spot the Canola..

    yip, it is.. it looked like it had been graded when we went down there, other times i have ridden it, normally lots of rock bits - a lekka hill 2 ride up 4 sure :biggrin: