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  1. G

    Modifications F650 Dakar

    Some of my UK Builds
  2. G

    Modifications F650 Dakar

    Thanks yes I was mainly concerned about the roadworthy inspections Here in the UK I am running an 07 with a pair of custom WP Cone Valve forks made for a 2017 YZ450F with WITH 2014 26mm KTM, Husq axle clamps YZ triples are straight bolt-in for the Dakar and a custom TFX 250mm travel rear shock...
  3. G

    Modifications F650 Dakar

    Hi guys haven't posted much here because I am mainly active on Question for my fellow South Africans from a legal perspective how difficult is it to pass vehicle inspection with a modified suspension. I plan to fit WP forks to an F650 Dakar but the question is now, do I keep the...
  4. G

    F650GS Fuel Filter options

    One of the guys in Germany made this holder for the FPR from the original Fuel Filter If you are handy you can make one yourself If you are a go-cart rider you can look for one of these...
  5. G

    Insurance inspection

    Dankie Motor1 sal laat weet as ek nie kan reg kom nie
  6. G

    Insurance inspection

    Hi Parkinoff sent PM been in Ireland for a couple of days will call tommorrow
  7. G

    Insurance inspection

    Thanks Parkinoff left a PM I need to do the inspection like the_BOBNOB said, unfortunately the few has made it a hassle for the rest of us. I was only in SA two weeks this year and then the Kleinmond Supa Quick said they don't do the inspection for bikes, yet speaking to the insurance guys...
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    Insurance inspection

    Just in case you are wondering I live in the UK
  9. G

    Insurance inspection

    Hi Guys Does anyone know of a professional service I can use that can take my bike for the insurance inspection. All I need is someone to take it to Supa Quick and take it for its inspection and return it I have been begging my brother but he keeps forgetting Bike is located in Belville
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    Lost Wild Jakals comming home My brief trip
  11. G

    Lost Wild Jakals comming home

    no suggestions about awesome routes
  12. G

    Lost Wild Jakals comming home

    I went to Tabazimbi pre-school then Robertson Boys age 6 & 7 then Calvinia pre a primary 8 till 10 then De Kuilen primary and High and finally Wolseley High school 16-18. Now I am out here in the wet bog
  13. G

    Lost Wild Jakals comming home

    Hi all I want to quickly introduce myself born in Villiersdorp lived everywhere in SA and finally immigrated to UK. I haven't been home in 10 years so I decided to come home for a short bang cramming as much as I can into two weeks. Got this sweet little deal...