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  1. M

    2010 1200 GS

    I got it!! I'm very happy with it!
  2. M

    Noob on a Duke!!

    Update time!!! I took delivery of my 2012 R1200GS Triple Black this morning. Much better bike than the little 390 Duke :D
  3. M

    2010 1200 GS

    Quick update. I got a call from a salesman from a BMW close to me saying he wants me to come look at a bike. 2012 Triple black, 36500kms, Headlight protector, top box, full remus zorst for R120k. I'm taking it. My heart still belongs to KTM, they handle better and they're quicker. Must be...
  4. M

    2010 1200 GS

    I'll link to my post on mybroadband.
  5. M

    2010 1200 GS

    Thanks guys. Chris - what were the recalls on?
  6. M

    2010 1200 GS

    Hi guys, My 390 Duke has kakked out on me for the last time. I'm seriously looking at a 2010 1200GS. Do these bikes have any major flaws? Even niggly issues that would dissuade me from getting one? I'm looking at ones with about 40-50k km on the clock, not the adv version. Thanks,
  7. M

    Hoeveel km het jou strom op???

    My dad's 2006 1000 Strom has just under 100 000km on. They're really gorgeous bikes!
  8. M

    Any reason not to pull the trigger??

    It has spoked rims hey, just add crash bars and knobblies!! I'll even ride the bike down for you.
  9. M

    Any reason not to pull the trigger??

    I've decided against the big KTM, I feel I have other responsibilities at the moment. If anyone wants a bargain on an 1190 Adv, call Raceworx KTM </3 The only thing wrong with this bike is that the rear tyre is a bit square.
  10. M

    Any reason not to pull the trigger??

    Thanks Main, looking at that post now. I know :D I had my dad and Fire It Up offer 2nd and 3rd opinions, they say the bike is immaculate :D They're doing me a solid because of the kek with the 390 Duke.
  11. M

    Any reason not to pull the trigger??

    Hey guys, On the 22nd of Dec, on the way home on my 390 Duke, gear shifts felt funny but I didn't think anything of it. I stopped at Dischem and when I came out, the motor had white blotches all over and there was fluid under the bike. It was clear, looked like oil but didn't feel or smell like...
  12. M

    Let's talk KTM Duke 390

    My 390's fan blew twice. Yesterday the headgasket blew. Still have under 13000km on the clock Cooling problems aside, they're lovely bikes. They accelerate like a bat outta hell. Services are a bit pricey, but the service delivered by Raceworx is bloody good. Fuel consumption averages about...
  13. M

    KTM Centurion service

    I've heard rumours of Raceworx fetching and dropping off bikes in Centurion ;) Maybe have a chat with them?
  14. M

    Pure and Crafted Festival

    The stalls did leave a lot to be desired. I honestly just went to ride the bikes. Coming from a little 390 Duke and only riding for 4 months, I learnt a lot and really enjoyed my day.
  15. M

    Pure and Crafted Festival

    I was there on Saturday. Oh my sack, those BMWs haul!! My favourite to ride was the S1000XR, then the R1200R. Those boxer engines are violent with their torque delivery, I freaking held on for dear life!! What were your experiences?
  16. M

    Any Shoei helmet WD vendors out there?

    Howzit man, MotoMate sold me my GT-Air for R7600 I think. Neotec is the same price as the GT-Air.
  17. M

    Looking for street bike under 400cc and decent helmet

    Ja!! Die vorige eienaar het R45k gesoek, toe sy hy vir my die bike kort n diens - gee my R42k. Kyk, hulle het hul probleme maar alles word onder waarborg sonder ENIGE klagtes uitgesort. KTM Clearwater het daaraan gesien :)
  18. M

    Looking for street bike under 400cc and decent helmet

    Ek't n 2015 390 Duke met 6500km op gekry vir R42k. Maklik.
  19. M

    SOLD - Alpinestars Medium Santiago Drystar Gloves

    Question - How are these in winter and the rain? Would you need inners to help fight the cold?
  20. M

    SOLD KTM 1190 ADV 2014 SOLD

    This is a bloody good deal!!! So much want!