Search results

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  1. zebra

    Wanted: Kawasaki VULCAN 2000, else Suzuki BOULEVARD, Botswana (trusted) customer per title, Wanted: Kawasaki VULCAN 2000, else Suzuki BOULEVARD, Botswana (trusted) customer... (Mods - feel free to move, but I felt THIS enquiry would be lost in Exotics/other, etc..) I will pass on customer's details. Thanks Chris
  2. zebra

    OUDTSHOORN - looking for a CG-based WD to check a bike is legit for Botswana customer

    Hi Guys, a trusted Botswana-based customer has his heart set on a Kawasaki VN2000, he deals with us a F. Brick a fair bit, he would like someone to MEET the seller and cast an eye over this Cruiser, he will then buy it when given reassurance by 'viewer', and then I will assist him in getting it...
  3. zebra

    KTM 790 & 890, and Husqvarna Pre-Filters, now avail from Flying Brick...

    We are locally manufacturing an easy-to-fit Pre-Filter Kit for the KTM 790 Adventure, KTM 890 Adventure, and Husqvarna Norden 901. (this was previously built, and supplied, by Ian Blomeyer; we have recently taken over manufacture). This kit is designed to significantly reduce the amount of...
  4. zebra

    Flying Brick offline, last 24 hours...

    As per heading; Flying Brick offline, last 24 hours... VOX fibre problems to entire BLOCK, so no emails, no Facebook, etc... Phone lines work, 021 510 6455 & 067 278 1893. Thanks Chris & Team (Mods: feel free to move thread, but did not want to 'bury' this in Vendor section). Tx.
  5. zebra

    Locally-manufactured Pre-filter now available for Husqvarna Norden 901...

    We (Flying Brick) have taken over the manufacturing and supply of the pre-filter kits for these 3 bikes: KTM 790 Adventure, KTM 890 Adventure, Husqvarna Norden 901... Spare Foam Filters are also available. We currently have stock available, and we will have more within the next two weeks...
  6. zebra

    Locally-produced PRE-FILTER for KTM 790, KTM 890 & Husqvarna Norden 901...

    We (Flying Brick) have taken over the manufacturing and supply of the pre-filter kits for these 3 bikes: KTM 790 Adventure, KTM 890 Adventure, Husqvarna Norden 901 Spare Foam Filters are also available. We currently have stock available, and we will have more within the next two weeks...
  7. zebra

    News from Flying Brick regarding DESERT FOX Overland Pro, Tyre Pro and Trail kit...

    News from Flying Brick regarding DESERT FOX Overland Pro, Tyre Pro and Trail kit...: If/when anyone is buying one of the above Desert Fox TOOL kits: Overland Pro, Tyre Pro and Trail... ...Flying Brick will SWAP OUT the rear axle socket to the RIGHT SIZE for your bike, at no charge - just alert...
  8. zebra

    Seen at our Store today - Yamaha T7... Cairo-to-Cape Town!

    as per heading, seen at our Store today - Yamaha T7... Cairo-to-Cape Town! Ben, arrived in CT today, from Liverpool, via Cairo, and then down the WESTERN side of Africa; chilling in Cape Town and rest of SA in a 4x4 for the next month, and then departs again for Cairo, but EAST coast, this...
  9. zebra

    Baghdad; anyone travelling there in the coming days…?

    As per title, looking to get a small part to Bagdad, if anyone is travelling to Iraq in the coming days…? Thanks, Chris
  10. zebra

    A B-I-G thanks - from Flying Brick...

    Hi All - thanks for a killer year - we much appreciate all the support, and this Forum is where I have done MUCH learning this year, and past 16-odd years, too, so thanks for that! We are open throughout the Season, albeit with reduced trading hours on a couple of days... And then, we are...
  11. zebra

    TPS sensor for 1200 LC sought…

    Whoever was looking for a TPS sensor for rear wheel of a 1200 LC, I cannot find your thread??! No matter; Ivan de Jager has one for you, R500, DM me for his contact deets. Cheers Chris
  12. zebra

    Safari REAR fuel tank CRF 450X '05-'15 & Clarke 8.5L fuel tank for Honda CRF250R/450R '10-'13... that I have your attention, please see THIS thread...
  13. zebra

    Yamaha WR250/450 REAR tank '07-'15 & Yamaha WR450 EFI '12-'15...

    now that I have your attention - please see THIS thread: Cheers Chris & Team
  14. zebra

    Blow out SALE! Clarke Fuel Tank 8.5 Litre Honda CRF250R/450R ('10-'13)

    As per title, we have a Clarke Fuel Tank 8.5 Litre Honda CRF250R/450R ('10-'13), for a ridiculously low price... Interested? 021 510 455 & 067 278 1893
  15. zebra

    Blow-out sale on SAFARI fuel tanks, o-n-l-y for these 4 or 5 bikes...

    Hi Guys - as per headline, Flying Brick will have a blow-out sale on THESE (new) tanks below... Contact us for pricing, but I really mean BLOWOUT pricing...! Chris & Team 021 510 6455 / 067 278 1893 DESCRIPTION QTY Safari Fuel Tank 5 Litre Yamaha WR250/450 Rear ('07-'15) 1 Safari Fuel...
  16. zebra

    Seen Saw this on FB Marketplace - no affiliation (buyer beware, etc...) - may interest someone!
  17. zebra

    Flying Brick Motorcycle Accessories now offering PAYFLEX in-store and online - see link below...
  18. zebra

    Flying Brick now offering PAYFLEX, both in store and online...

    Hi Guys - as per heading, Flying Brick is now offering PAYFLEX, both in store and online... , as a super-easy, interest-free way of spreading payments over 3 months, or else 4 fortnights... PAYFLEX is an App-based product, which allows payment in the following 3 ways: 1. 'PAY NOW': Pay using...
  19. zebra

    Wanted to buy: BMW OEM 'oval' panniers for BMW R1200 R 20212, NOT a GS...

    Wanted to buy: BMW OEM 'oval' panniers for BMW R1200 R 20212, NOT a GS... (see pics...) If anyone let me know, and will put you in DIRECT contact with customer... Chris 021 510 6455 / 067 278 1893
  20. zebra

    Garmin XT2 GPS/Navi Bracket solution for BMW 1200+1250+1300, at Flying Brick...

    Hi - we have just imported the wired INTERFACE adaptor to allow the latest Garmin XT2 to be used IN the BMW OEM Navi bracket, meaning it is lockable, and powered, etc. Now avail. at Flying Brick' Video below explains it nicely (if a bit long-winded!) and Cheers Chris & Team Flying Brick 021...