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  1. G

    Goudinie Funduro

    Hi there you buddy was trying very hard to pass a KDX200 and what a fall i thought he was history. but true off roader he got up. He got the prize for best fall this year. dont try and catck alll KDX'S some are very quick. heel quickly see you soon.
  2. G

    kdx200, ktm200, ktm250, yz250, ktm300

    I own a 2007 KDX and after doing +- 5000 km it is still going very strong. it goes where a lot of your 250 and 450 get into trouble. put a good pipe on, set of Booysens reed valves and play with sprockets and you have no problem keeping up with the 450's on any enduro. you can play with the...
  3. G

    Enduroworld Cross Country (EWXC): 18 July 09, Zone 7

    hi there guys i was out at the track on Saterday and all i can say is wow!!!! this is going to be one hell of a ride. the obsticles are great, (not to difficult) the track is looking very good but 5+ laps and you are going to know you have done and enduro for days afterwards. this is a must. i...
  4. G

    Goudinie Enduro

    This is a huge thank you to the guys who organised the enduro. it was fantastic even though the weather was at times bad but much better than CT. THE TRACK WAS GREAT!! well organised good vibe and enjoyed by all. can we ride there on week ends? Big 5 Enduro Team. Glad you all got back safely...
  5. G

    Fun Enduro

    Can any one tell me more about the fun enduro that is on next week end near Caledon? there is a web site but i dont know what it is.