1150 Gs starter issues?? I think??

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Apr 9, 2012
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BMW R1150GS Adventure
Hope you had a lekker weekend of twisting the grip dogs?! Can someone help, a china of mine, a new 1150 Gs owner and soon to be DOG emailed me HELP! So I'm looking to the pros cause I can't help him, any info. or suggestions would be magic?! His story,"When I started, I was in second gear on a slight incline and I stalled. When I tried to start again, no go. Just a “cluck” from the starter and the power drained. Had a brand new battery, by the way. Push started and got going to Grahamstown. Got there and tried to start again, same problem. Couldn’t get anyone to work on the starter, so I borrowed a battery pack from an oke in town and connected it to the battery and the bike started. Switched off, took the battery pack off and started again, no problem. Had no more problems starting all along, until I got to Kokstad. Put in fuel, and as I drove out the garage, the bike missed (like there was a fuel problem) and stalled. Tried to start again and the problem was back again. Just a “cluck” from the starter. Push started and got going again. Got home and the problem is still there. Put the battery on charge for two days and tried it. Still a problem.

I’m probably going to take the starter motor off and see if I can see anything. Would you perhaps be willing to put the problem onto the forum and see if any one else has experienced the same thing? I’m seriously not keen to have to buy a new starter."