2 rookies on their way from the Cape to Lesotho and back

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Really enjoyed your report.  I think your writing style is fantastic, a real story type telling, not a bland telling what happened.  I really envy you having a wife who enjoys the adventure with you. 
Harald, you and Claudi deserve respect! Well done. I will buy you a beer some time.  :thumleft:
Jacko said:
Harald, you and Claudi deserve respect! Well done. I will buy you a beer some time.  :thumleft:
Claudi clearly deserves more credit. It must be terrible to sit behind an incompetent driver :biggrin: 
DH and C, Well done on an excellent ride and even better RR.

You guys are champions!!!!!

Well done!
Re-reading this awesome report for route ideas to get to this year's bash.
fantastic stuff.

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