2015 Warthog Rebel Rough it ride

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Orangeswifty said:
Het enige-iemand fotos geneem van die sandpad en turfruts op die pad tussen Buffelsdrift en Steenbokpan?
Ek het net so paar gopro snapshots:





Orangeswifty said:
Matie spero said:
Magtig, ek sal volgende jaar graag wil saam gaan!!!!!!

lyk bedonnerd lekker.
Kyk uit vir die Planning a ride thread so in Feb se kant volgende jaar
Dit sal seker weer so middle Maart gebeur :thumleft:

Intussen gaan ons vir seker die jaarlikse Zinyala ride aanpak rondom Juniemaand
Moet net kyk waar ons 'n oop naweek het :deal:

Ek sal my oe bietjie oop hou!!!!

Ry nou nie n KTM nie, maar ek glo ek sal kan by hou :imaposer:
Bliksem but the okes are are aggressive towards that Drome  :imaposer:
I am not so sure if i should do the Inyala Ride? 

(Pics from last years ride:)
Die beste van die naweek was die "Entertainment" :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:


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Bender said:
Die beste van die naweek was die "Entertainment" :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Ag nee man Rian :eek:
Die vrouens lees die goed man ::)
Daar loop en spoil jy nou als
:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

Ek sal like om daai lotjie sonder kleerpies in Loubad se warm watertjies vas te trap!!!
Carrots said:
Orangeswifty said:
Jules said:
Orangeswifty said:
Moer.....that was funny.
Wouldv'e kakked myself if i had actually hit that drone with thr 9mil

Was a pitty, would have been far easier to pack R7500 in my bag back to PE than the drone  :biggrin:
I'm sure!

Swifty skiet so kak...hy skiet homself sommer raak....nie 'n kans wat hy daai drone met sy 9mil uit die lug sou kon skiet nie!!  :peepwall: :pot: :lol8:
Jys welkom om voor my loop te kom staan Carrots
Ek sal jou selfs bietjie afstand gee en toelaat om links en regs te koes soos jy wil
:eek7: :eek7:
SchalkL said:
I am not so sure if i should do the Inyala Ride? 

(Pics from last years ride:)
daai naweek was net so awsome gewees

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Thanks to all the Guys involved - was my first Rebel Ride and really enjoyed it . The Sand Monster is still lurking but not so scared of him any more .
Great bunch.

Kierrie  and Cobus thanks again for all the support at the back in the sand , im not as hesitant any more but have a moerse long way to go before i can ride like you bunch of hooligans .  :thumleft:
Was a great Pleasure having u EC guys up here  :thumleft:
Hi All

Bender started of the trip on a solo ride over Brits, Rashoop and Rooiberg to the farm.

I nearly stayed in Rooiberg when two vehicle's stoped and 7 girls got out on there own adventure "Rooiberg Girls Weekend" I had a quick beer at the watering hole before they joined I was off to the farm where I met up the Nort Westers not Freestaters.

I planned a easy weekend and to join the boys on the Saturday out ride :pot: :pot: :pot:

Speswille had a different idea and somewhere during the evening took control of my body and mind and the rest is history  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

Saturday Bender sorted the guys out that stayed at the farm, where they relaxed around the pool. Three little piggies went of to town to buy some more laughing juice, Circlet, Budd 500 and myself and Thaba did not disappoint we were treated with some cheap porn in the parking lot at Spar. Bud 500 had a fender bender (I am okay it was with another vehicle not me) We stopped of at the C@#$r Feeding Center and stuffed ourselves with road kill. The girl at the local bottle store was getting confused or she thought we were confused as she commented that it is a bottle store and a bar as we were in and out the whole time buying booze.

Thank you to all that made the trip possible, the riders that came from far and Franna for the Farm.

See you all next year  :thumleft: Speswillie Berig oor  :thumleft: No see you all next year Bender  :thumleft:

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