2021 Euro5 890 Acrapovic DBkiller removal

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
Honda XR650R
All previous yearmodels up to/including 2020 were dead-easy in this respect: undo the little screw, pull out insert, and if required at all drill out the poprivets of the endcap first to get access to this.
But, those were Euro4 spec pipes - and these only were required to limit access to that pesky screw, hence the drilling required.
Oh, one needs special domed (i.e closed-off, gas-tight!) poprivets to reassemble, and these are difficult to get hold of if at all possible, however can be bought (including the holed strip) from a KTM dealer.

The current Euro5 silencers (not only those from Acrapovic but any!) require them to have a "non-removable" DB-insert - 'non-removable' chaps, that's a lil problem maybe...
But how difficult can it be hmm?
The previous one was also done, just drill and get those special poprivets... and Bob was your Uncle!
So, not too clumsy with spannering I tackled this pipe myself, expecting that an afternoon's worth of fiddling would do this jobbie.

Oh, why?
I was happy with the sound, it barked loud-enough for me (without CAT mind, removal-pipe from Stealth installed), and some riding mates prefer a quiet biker buddy so as to see some game along the way - so I thought I'd leave it as is.
Then I joined a group of Speedy Gonzales's recently, which remarked (read: nagged me, complained, threatened to not buy beer for me!) that I should remove the 'fggn' quiet-insert so as to allow them to hear when I close off, this to prevent them from putting their front wheel up my cack due to inertia!
Ah, no, telling them to keep a lil distance was replied to in the most jovial way possible: 'Woohaa, FU, NO!'
So, I had to, geddit?
My crack's virginity on the line here dudes, let wel asseblief  :eek:
Besides, it's a removable thingy so easily reinstalled also.

So I did.
Took the pipe off, and armed with my Dremel tools & the 7 special domed SS poprivets I went to [member=614]Runner[/member] 's shop to do this lil operation, way better than some lone toiling in my own workshop - and have you had the good coffee at Offroad Cycles?  :thumleft:
Anyway, drilled out the rivets, removed the endcap, surprised myself about the PLENTY and thick glasswool inside, see first pic below.
Then I peeked in the endcap..... and fainted!
See 2nd pic 'Intestines' below: some serious bracketry inside, a lil shaped pipe plus a relatively substantial bracket holding it, and all this to prevent access to the lil bolt somewhere hidden inside all that! Oh, this assembly is properly welded everywhere, neat seams all over plus a sizeable spotweld holding the bracket to the endcan's outer shell!
The only practical solution to this is to drill a large hole so as to create access to the little bolt - which I did.
Measure a bit, drill a smallish hole, then shape & ream this hole so it lines up with the small-diameter pipe inside - in which the little bolt lives of course.
See 3rd pic 'Accesshole' below - and yes, it looks better and more symmetrical now lol
So now I have a large-enough hole to work through, and see through.... and faint again!
The little bolt has a flanged head, this flange welded to the pipe for some 200+ degrees!
See 4th pic 'WeldedScrew', indeed a very nice weld also  :-[

This is slowly becoming a real proper job, one that I did not really expect to be this difficult!
My compliments to the designers guilty for this lot, you made it rather difficult indeed.... so I won't buy you a beer if ever we'll meet  >:D
But, them gents must be bikers themselves.... for they designed-in a single saving grace: the little bolt's flanged head is concave, it has a centric indentation!
I will bet anything that this was done on purpose, to aid those mongrels who want to remove this DB-killing insert - plus, this whole bracketry & pipe could have been omitted!  :thumleft:
This centered concave 'dent' in the small bolthead can be used to center a drill, so I did.
The M6 bolt I drilled right through with a 4mm bit - by hand, the endcap cannot be held in a vice or why, it's flimsy and prone to damage.
The drilling went fine-enough but took quite a while: this lot is either Stainless Steel or Titanium, dunno but it's hard material!
Easy does it, I drill the entire length of the bolt until I feel a 'shock', there where the drillbit goes through the bolt-end and meets the pipe - stop!
Then next I drill a 6mm bit into the 4mm pilot hole: this goes less well but it does go, and I drill until I feel a 'shock' again, there where the (M6)bolthead becomes disconnected (drilled away!) from its threaded shaft.
See 5th pic 'PilotHoled'.
This is going well thus far: I now have a threaded shank inside the DB-insert with a pilothole of 4mm right through, so I should be able to remove it easily with a left tap or why once the insert is out.
The bolthead, still properly welded to the pipe mind, is loose from its threaded shank also, so now I can concentrate on that head to remove it or at least most of it.
I tried to use an impact ratchet to shear it off its weld... but no, no way it would budge.
So next is a bigger drill, after all I have a 6mm pilothole for guidance!
The problem here is the small bolt, 8mm spanner size, and hand-drilling which is not ideal.... so an 8mm bit may 'wander'.
It did... and I'm screwed for now  :-\

Monday I'll try to step-up the 6mm pilot hole by half-millimeter drillbits so as to enlarge the hole until the least amount of the bolthead is left!
This leftover shite I then will have to remove with my Dremel - of course I have to do this so as to enable me to reassemble the insert, but I know this is a lot of fiddly work..  :'(
[member=9492]Xpat[/member] , when next we'll ride, and my bike is quiet-enough so that game will remain in your camera's viewfinder, realize you'll owe me beerS;)

Last pic shows the special domed SS poprivets you'll need to do this job, and of course fish the drilled-off remainders out of the glasswool when you've removed the endcap - the latter needs to be 'rubber-malleted' off, simply pulling won't get you anywhere as it is a fairly tight fit.


I'll post on the remainder of this job when it's done, in due time.
For those wanting to do this themselves, like me, please don't underestimate this 'lil jobbie' as it's a proper pain!


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