Race Dog
Leave south coast 6.30 for Rama gate , dirt roads from port Shepstone all the way
, fish , drink warm maluti,
A whole bunch of new chaps on s/ coast joining for first adventure. Jeez already getting messages canβt we leave now

. Wait to see their faces when some of rhinos routes kicks in, ongeluks, one of them 

Hopefully home safe Sunday, last year this time spent 2 weeks ICU with twisted bowl and septicaemia, touch and go !
But fall off a horse , best medicine is to get up and ride it

A whole bunch of new chaps on s/ coast joining for first adventure. Jeez already getting messages canβt we leave now

Hopefully home safe Sunday, last year this time spent 2 weeks ICU with twisted bowl and septicaemia, touch and go !
But fall off a horse , best medicine is to get up and ride it