A loud bike is a safe(r) bike?

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Blou Zebu

Grey Hound
Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Suzuki DR650
I read this somewhere.

Because people can here you, they are more aware of you and therefore it will be safer for you as the biker.

Then I read a long story about how it is not true. How everybody hates loud bikes especially landowners, cagedrivers, pedestrians, wildlife and other bikers sleeping in!

With the DR650SE which is quiet enough to stalk a kudu, as Lucky Striker said, I often experience people not hearing me untuil I get on the hooter! then they react unpredicatable.

So I sometimes wish for something louder!

Here in Madagascar there are no kudus to stalk and noise has a different value than in SA. It is not such a big problem. Often loueder is just plan nicer and better, even if the speakers distort the music into another genre.

Your thoughts please?