A Taste of Baviaanskloof

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Race Dog
Aug 3, 2009
Reaction score
Cape Town
Harley Davidson (all models)
Some time ago I took another ride through the Baviaanskloof.... I took my 360 camera and recorded the experience ... For those of you who have never been this might give you a taste of what you have been missing....Anyway use it dont use it...Ive been about 5 times and every time its been an incredible experience..The biggest challenge in my view is the water crossing at Smitskraal as this can be fairly deep in the rainy season....So this is something to consider when planning this route

Thanks for sharing!!
Dit was baia lekker om saam te ry en al die bekende stukke te sien.
Dit is ongelooflik om deur die Baviaanskloof te ry, mens kan dit weer en weer doen.
Hoe lus raak ek nou vir dit......

Ek moet se dat die enigste ding wat my regtig afsit is daai "twee spoor sement" blokke waarvan die manne praat......blykbaar is dit n bliksem, maar dan weereens, dis seker net n klein % van die pad.